
  1. 渭北旱塬矮化富士苹果幼树N,K营养状况分析

    N and K nutrient status of dwarfing red Fuji apple young tree under different fertilizer and irrigation conditions

  2. 前人认为,研究区岩溶水系统边界即为渭北东部的铜蒲合子系统边界。区内第三系(N)隔水。

    The former is of opinion that the boundary of Karst-groundwater system in research area is in consonance with the boundary of " Tong-Pu-He Subsystem of Karst Groundwater " in East Wei Bei .

  3. 回顾总结了陕西近20a苹果产业发展的主要成就,分析了陕西渭北苹果业发展的优势和存在问题,提出了今后苹果科研和推广工作的主要目标和总体设想。

    This paper chiefly introduced the major achievements of Shaanxi apple industries nearly 20 years , the major superiority and protruding problems of apple industry development were analysed , the essential target and overall tentative plan of scientific research and extension work in the next few year were put forward .

  4. 苹果产销形势与对策选择&渭北苹果带发展浅析

    The Situation of Apple Production and Marketing and Selection of Countermeasures

  5. 渭北旱塬区典型农业耕作土壤微形态分形研究

    Micromorphological Fractal Features of Cultivated Soil in the Northern Weihe Area

  6. 渭北旱原农田水量平衡及其调控技术研究

    Field Water Balance in Dryland of North Weihe and Regulating Technologies

  7. 渭北地区冬小麦的有限灌溉与水分利用研究

    The Study of Limited Irrigation on the Winter Wheat and Water Utilization

  8. 渭北几种农林复合模式土壤肥力研究

    Soil Fertility of Some Agroforestry Models in Northern Wei River

  9. 宝鸡渭北区域气温变化研究

    Study on the temperature variation in the northern of Baoji Weihe River

  10. 渭北旱塬夏闲地开发利用研究

    The EXploitation and Utilization of Summer Fallow Lands on Weiber Rainfed Highland

  11. 渭北东部奥陶系岩溶地下水环境同位素特征分

    The environment isotopic character of Ordovician cast water in east of wei north

  12. 渭北地区干旱条件下不同品种小麦生长情况分析

    An Analysis of Growth Behaviors of Different Wheat Varieties Under Drought Conditions on

  13. 陕西渭北富平一带中奥陶世沉积物的浅水证据

    The shallow-water evidences from sediments in the Middle Ordovician in fuping , shaanxi

  14. 渭北旱原农村住宅规划设计与建设存在的问题及对策

    Rural Dwelling Plan Design and Construction Exist Problems

  15. 宝鸡渭北冰雹成因及其对策

    Countermeasure and cause of the hail disaster in the north of Weihe in Baoji

  16. 渭北彬县&黄陵地区中生界油气富集的基本地质条件

    The main geological conditions of the Mesozoic oil-and-gas accumulation in the Binxian Huangling region

  17. 干旱年型下渭北塬地冬小麦产量潜势及水肥效应研究

    Feild Study on Yield Potentiality of Winter Wheat and Effect of Water and Fertilizer

  18. 陕西省渭北高原冰雹灾害对苹果生产的影响研究

    Hail Disaster Impacts on the Apple Production

  19. 陕西省渭北渍涝灾害问题及对策

    Groundwater Water-logging Disaster and Countermeasures in North Areas of Weihe River Damage of Shaanxi Province

  20. 渭北岩溶特征及库坝渗漏问题的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of karst features and leakage problem of reservoir in North Weihe River Basin

  21. 渭北旱原地区农药地下处理对小麦主要病虫的控制效应

    Controlling Effects Upon the Main Diseases and Pests of Wheat with Underground Application of Insecticides

  22. 施肥对渭北旱塬富士苹果产量及品质的影响

    Effect of Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Fuji Apple in Wei-Bei DRD-Land of Shaanxi

  23. 对渭北不同水分条件有机肥施用模式进行了研究。

    Organic fertilizer application pattern in Fuji apple orchard on Weibei rainfed highland was studied .

  24. 渭北旱塬不同降水年型冬小麦氮磷增产效应评析

    An Analysis of Yield Responses of Winter Wheat to N and P Under Different Annual

  25. 陕西渭北黄土地区地下水水化学特征及其利用前景

    The Hydrogeochemical Characteristic of groundwater in Loess Area in the north of weihe , shaanxi Province

  26. 首先对渭北地区的地理,天气,人文历史进行了概括性的先容和分析;

    Weibei first geographic region , climate , cultural history of the general description and analysis ;

  27. 渭北旱原是陕西省重要粮果生产基地。

    The North Weihe Plain is the important grain crops and fruits production bases in Shaanxi Province .

  28. 渭北黄土台塬全新世地层高分辨率研究

    High resolution studies of the Holocene loess strata of the loess tableland in the Weihe River Basin

  29. 渭北西部地区加里东构造带变形特征及其地质意义

    The Caledonian Fold and Fault Zone in the Area Northwest of the Weihe River and Geologic Significance

  30. 宝鸡渭北旱原农业气候资源分析与评价

    An analysis and evaluation on agricultural climate resource in Arid-plain , North of Weihe River of Baoji