
  • 网络Weinan City
  1. 关中地区万元GDP生态足迹局域差异较大,其中西安市资源利用效率最高,渭南市资源利用效率则最低。

    The area with the highest efficiency of resource using is XT an city , and the one with the lowest efficiency is Weinan city .

  2. 以渭南市医疗废物集中处置工程为例,介绍了医疗废物热解焚烧核心工艺中基于PLC系统的自动控制系统的设计。

    Taking medical waste centralized treatment engineering in Weinan city as an example , main content of automatic control system design based on PLC system in medical waste pyrolysis key technology was introduced .

  3. 渭南市农业产业化与农村经济发展

    Study on Agriculture Industrialization and Rural Economic Development of Weinan

  4. 第三部分,渭南市农民专业合作社的融资现状。

    The third part is analysis of financing of Weinan farmer cooperatives .

  5. 渭南市耕地变化对粮食安全的影响评价

    Evaluation of Grain Security Affected by Cultivated Land Change in Weinan City

  6. 渭南市正加紧实施城市跨越式发展战略,努力构建和谐渭南。

    Weinan city are implementing its leap-forward development for constructing harmonious city .

  7. 医疗废物热解焚烧核心工艺自动控制系统的设计&以渭南市医疗废物集中处置工程为例

    Key Technology Automatic Control System Design of Medical Waste Pyrolysis

  8. 对渭南市促进学生体育角色社会化的研究

    On How to Promote the Socialization of Students ' Roles in Physical Education

  9. 渭南市开采地下水有关的环境地质问题及其防治对策

    The problems and prevention of environment in groundwater mining , weinan , Shaanxi

  10. 渭南市农村初中教师素质现状调查报告&提高农村初中教师素质的对策研究之一

    Junior high school teachers in country : a survey

  11. 渭南市农村初中英语教师素质现状调查

    The Capability Status Quo of the Junior Middle School English Teachers and its Countermeasures

  12. 其次,较详细地分析了渭南市财政支出结构。

    Secondly , a detailed analysis of the structure of financial expenditure in Weinan .

  13. 西安、咸阳和渭南市的土地生态安全处于重警状态。

    Xi'an , Xianyang and Weinan are serious warning state of the land ecological security .

  14. 以渭南市为例,并在此基础上提出慢行交通系统规划的技术路线。

    Based on these experiences , Weinan puts forward the technical flow of urban NMT system planning .

  15. 渭南市潜水水流数值模型参数识别中几个关键问题的处理方法

    Treatment methods for the key problems in the parameter discernment for phreatic flow 's numerical model of weinan city

  16. 渭南市劳教人员8048例艾滋病、乙型及丙型肝炎的感染情况

    Infection Status of 8 048 Cases of HIV , Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C among Prisoners in Weinan City

  17. 对陕西蒲城县和渭南市临渭区5个不同年龄阶段815头秦川母牛的5项体尺和体重性状进行了主成分分析。

    The5 body measurements and weight of815 Qinchuan cows at five different age phases are studied by principal component analysis .

  18. 二是提出了渭南市矿产资源税评估体系实施的建议。

    Two is a proposed Weinan city of mineral resources enterprises tax assessment system for the implementation of the recommendations .

  19. 目的对渭南市旅游业发展中存在的问题进行诊断,为科学制定渭南旅游规划打好基础。

    Aim issues of tourism in Weinan City are diagnosed , the basis for tourism planning in Weinan City is built .

  20. 以关中盆地东部的渭南市为例,概述了水资源的分布特征及其开发利用现状。

    Taking Weinan city as an example , the paper presents the current mining status of groundwater resourses and its features .

  21. 渭南市的渭北黄土台塬地区,需要大力增加植被覆盖度,治理水土流失。

    Because of the loess tableland Taiwan weinan area , need to greatly increase the vegetation coverage , control of soil erosion . 4 .

  22. 通过对渭南市财政支出项目的横向结构和纵向增速比较,找出财政支出结构存在的问题。

    Through the horizontal structure of Weinan fiscal expenditure items and longitudinal growth comparison , find out the existing problems of the fiscal expenditure structure .

  23. 天山花楸果实的有效成分的初步研究对渭南市果业发展及浓缩果汁加工情况的调查

    Preliminary Study on the Effective Constituents of the Fruit of Sorbs tianschanica The Effective Approaches to Increase Benefits of Fruit - Processing Industry in Weinan

  24. 目的了解渭南市小学生近视患病状况及其主要危险因素,为预防小学生近视提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate pupils myopia rate and major risk factors in Weinan , and provide the basis to prevent pupils myopia as earlier as possible .

  25. 在距离陕西省会西安市7公里的渭南市,每10万儿童只有17名医生负责照顾。

    In Weinan city , which is about 70 kilometers away from Shaanxi 's capital Xi'an , they only had 17 doctors to care for 100000 children .

  26. 结果表明,渭南市农村人口饮酒率为22.3%,其中男性占38.9%,女性占3.4%;

    The survey shows that alcoholic drinking percentage in rural regions in Weinan is 22.3 % , among which man accounts for 38.9 % and women 3.4 % ;

  27. 渭南市作为陕西省重要的商品农业基地,其农作物在应对气候变化的适应能力值得研究。

    Weinan City , Shaanxi Province is an important agricultural base of goods ; it is worth studying in the ability of crop to adapt to tackle climate change .

  28. 通过对渭南市矿产资源行业发展状况的说明,剖析了渭南地税矿产资源纳税评估实践中的问题。

    Based on the mineral resources of Weinan city enterprise development situation and current Weinan government rent tax assessment job situation analysis , pointed out that the Weinan government rent tax assessment problems .

  29. 针对陕西省渭南市的无线电管理工作,介绍办公自动化信息系统的开发、系统设计思想和系统结构。

    In this article , contra posing to the wireless manages work of Weinan City Shanxi Province , introducing the development , design thought and structure of OAS ( Office Automation System ) .

  30. 渭南市涧峪水库在堆石面板坝的施工中,采用了先进的挤压式混凝土边墙施工技术,提高了施工质量,为同类工程施工积累了宝贵的经验。

    In the construction of slab-faced rock-fill dam at Jianyu reservoir of Weinan city , the advanced extrusion-sidewall was used , which improved the quality of construction and provided experience for the same project .