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  • 网络Weihe river;Wei;Wei River
  1. 基于GIS的渭河盆地地裂缝灾害危险性评价研究

    The Assessment of Risk of the Ground Fissures Based on GIS in Weihe River Basin

  2. 以结构化系统分析为主要技术路线,介绍了GIS在渭河流域水污染控制决策系统中的应用。

    The application of GIS in control and decision-making system of Weihe River water pollution was introduced with structural system analysis .

  3. 当他追赶太阳降落的地方时,由于忍受不了干渴,只好掉转头,回到黄河、渭河所在的地方,一口气便将这两条河里的水喝得精光。

    When he arrived at the place where the sun set , he had to turned around , as he could not bear the thirst , and came to the Yellow River and the Wei River . In one breath , he quaffed1 up all the water in both rivers .

  4. 渭河沉积物中Cd释放的实验研究

    Experimental study on Cd release from the sediment of Wei River

  5. 用GPS资料分析渭河盆地及邻近地区地壳运动特征

    Analysis of crustal movement feature based on GPS data in Weihe basin and its neighboring region

  6. 基于GIS的渭河下游水质模拟及评价研究

    The Water Quality Simulation and Evaluation Research Based on GIS in the Lower Reaches of Wei River

  7. 基于渭河下游DEM的洪水淹没分析与模拟

    Flood Analysis and Simulation of Lower Reaches of Weihe River Based on DEM

  8. 渭河断陷盆地及邻区Q值分布与地震灾害关系的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between Distribution of Q Value and Earthquake Disaster beneath Weihe Fault Depression and Its Adjacent Areas

  9. 利用地理信息系统(GIS)在空间数据输入与处理方面的优势,分析了渭河流域污染负荷分布特征,计算了渭河流域各地区污染负荷量,并建立了空间与属性数据相统一的地理信息数据库。

    With the help of GIS , the geo-database is established , the distribution of pollution load is described and the value of pollution load in every region is calculated .

  10. 渭河干流陕西段水体中COD(Mn),NH3-N的时空变化特征

    Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Variation in COD_ ( Mn ) and NH_3-N in Weihe River of Shaanxi Province

  11. 渭河流域1980-2000年LUCC时空变化特征及其驱动力分析

    Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of LUCC and Driving Factor Analysis for the Wei River Basin from 1980 to 2000

  12. 本文以渭河流域陕西片为计算实例,应用地理信息系统(GIS)分析流域地理参数,计算流域径流量。

    In this paper , the Weihe River Basin in Shaanxi Province as a case , using the GIS to analyze the geographical parameters , the runoff discharge in river basin have been calculated .

  13. 渭河化肥厂ACES尿素装置的工艺特点及运行概况

    Introduction of ACES Urea Process Feature and Operation Situation of Weihe Chemical Fertilizer Plant

  14. 本文研究了渭河盆地三条活断层的破碎物的SEM特征,发现黄土中的石英砂与黄土中断层破碎石英碎屑的SEM特征差别极大。

    The SEM study on the fragment from three active faults in the loess of weihe basin revealed that the quartz fragments from faults in loess differ significantly from the ordinary ones in loess .

  15. 近50a渭河流域洪水成因分析及防治对策

    Causes of Floods in Past Fifty Years in Weihe River Basin and Their Control Measures

  16. 利用西安数字遥测地震台网记录的数字地震资料,采用P波初动半周期方法,得到了渭河断陷盆地及邻近地区的Q值分布。

    In this paper , by using the seismic data recorded by xi'an digital telemetry seismic network , from studying half period of first P arrivals , Q value distribution beneath Weihe fault depression basin and its adjacent area is determined .

  17. 渭河流域气候近50a存在较多的冷、暖、干、湿期。

    There existed many cold , warm , dry , wet periods in the near 50 years in weihe river basin .

  18. 2003年9月,渭河流域发生了严重的洪涝灾害,洪水泥沙含量高达486kg/m3。准确地对泥沙含量极高的洪水及其淹没区进行快速识别是利用MODIS遥感资料成功进行渭河洪涝灾害监测的关键。

    The Weihe river flood with high bedload content at 486kg / m3 occurred in September 2003.It is the key to identify the flood area with high bedload content in monitoring using MODIS data .

  19. 以兰渝铁路线上的渭河沟拱桥为例,运用Midas软件建立了其有限元模型,并进行了模态分析和动力时程分析。(3)减隔震装置的选取。

    Taking the Wei-he-gou arch bridge on Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway as example , this paper creats F.E.M model based on MIDAS to conduct modal analysis and dynamic time-history analysis . ( 3 ) Choice of seismic reduction and isolation device .

  20. 对渭河支流上游两次致洪暴雨过程进行了对比分析,结果表明:在泾河上游,两次大暴雨的落区相差在100km以内;

    The two flood rainstorm on Weihe river upriver have been contrast analysised , the result show : on the JingHe river upriver , the two rainstorm region are no more than 100 kilometer apart ;

  21. 渭河化肥厂采用美国(MarlegCoolingTower)玛丽公司循环水冷却技术,装置日循环水量约90万t,埋地钢质输水主管直径1600~1800mm,埋深约5m。

    The Wei He Fertilizer Works uses water cycle cooling technology of Marley Company USA. The cycle water is about 900 , 000 tons per day . Diameter of pipe is 1600 - 1800 mm and underground depth is around 5m .

  22. 渭河流域近50a气温呈上升、降水呈下降趋势。

    The rate is 15.1mm / 100m . 2 . In the near 50 years , the temperature of weihe river basin rises while the precipitation decreases . All parts of weihe river basin ( the valley , the middle and lower reaches ) showed an upward trend .

  23. 渭河流域地表水资源未来变化趋势分析

    Surface Water Resources Variation Tendency in the Watershed of Weihe River

  24. 渭河盆地地震活动性分区模糊综合评判

    The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the seismicity zoning of Weihe Basin

  25. 渭河河水氮污染特征分析

    Analysis on the characteristics of the nitrogen pollution in Weihe River

  26. 渭河盆地西部温泉分布规律及开发利用

    Exploitation and Distribution of the Thermal Spring in Western Weihe Basin

  27. 渭河阶地全新世成壤过程及人类因素研究

    Pedological processes and human dimensions on Weihe river plain in Holocene

  28. 渭河下游冲淤临界流量研究

    Critical Discharge for River Bed Variations in the Lower Weihe River

  29. 本文进一步建立了一种淤积平衡模型,用以模拟渭河下游淤积过程。

    A model of sedimentation equilibrium is proposed in the paper .

  30. 渭河径流变化的影响原因分析

    Influence and cause analysis for the runoff change in Weihe River