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  • 网络King Ping
  1. 周平王东迁后,一些诸侯国社会经济迅速发展。

    After the eastward move of King Ping , some vassal states progressed in social economy .

  2. 平王便封他为诸侯,将陕西岐山以西的土地赐予他。

    Wang will be closed for his vassal to the west of Shaanxi Qishan land grant him .

  3. 对于平王东迁的原因,学术界存在着好几种不同的观点。

    There are various viewpoints in the academia about the reason of the eastward migration of Zhou Pingwang .

  4. 一年后,公元前770年,平王迁都至洛邑(今天的河南洛阳)。这是东周(公元前770年至公元前221年)的开始。

    The next year , in 770 BC , King Ping moved the capital to Luoyi ( now Luoyang City in Henan Province ) .

  5. 从西周后期的厉王时期开始,干旱化变得更为严重起来,黄河流域出现了极为罕见的大旱灾,并且一直持续到西周灭亡之后的平王时期。

    The infrequent drought in the Yellow river drainage aera was not vanished until Zhou Ping Wang era after the perdition of Xi Zhou dynasty .

  6. 次年,在一些贵族和诸侯的支持下,平王迁都洛邑。

    In the following year , King You 's successor , King Ping , moved the capital to Luoyi with the support of some of the nobles and vassal .

  7. 在内乱和戎族入侵的交织打击之下,公元前770年,周平王被迫放弃镐京,依仗晋、郑等诸侯的力量迁都洛邑。

    Internal power struggles and invasions of Rong tribe forced King Ping to abandon Haojing and with the help of such states as Jin and Zheng moved to Luoyi in 771 B.C.

  8. 秦,位于西部偏远,曾经是周平王因秦襄公护送东迁有功而册封给他的诸侯国。

    Qin , situated in the remote west , used to be a vassal state enfeoffed by King Ping for Qin Xianggong 's contribution of escorting the king on his move east .

  9. 但是自从周平王将王庭迁往洛邑(今河南洛阳)建立东周,周王朝的影响力下降了。

    However , from the time that King Ping moved his court to Luoyi ( now the city of Luoyang in Henan Province ) establishing the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , the Zhou influence went into decline .

  10. 周自公元前770年周平王东迁洛邑,到公元前256年被秦所灭,共传二十五王,前后经历了514年。

    Eastern Zhou Dynasty came into being in 770 B. C. , when King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi , and ended in 256 B.C. , when conquered by the Qin , lasting 514 years under the reign of 25 kings .