
Ordinary World is a realistic novel and a novelized family history .
The other aspect , I like Luyao the starting point-an extraordinary world .
Voice of Information The Narrative Features in the Novel of The Common World
" The ordinary world " has artistic life for a long time .
" Ordinary world " is the author of Luyao , contemporary writers .
The folk meaning of " ordinary world "
Between the Traditional Country and the Modern City
The search for God is a reversal of the normal , mundane worldly order .
On the Cultural Personality of the Country Politician in The Ordinary Men and Their Living
Comparison of the Tragic World between The Return of the Native and The Common World
" Ordinary world " is in black and white and told us the true meaning of life .
On Cultural Consumption and Novel Production : A Talk about the Investigation to the Reading of The Common World
On Lu Yao 's dilemma in his spiritual world : a reading of the end of the Ordinary World
The Maturity of Psychological Realism & Approach realism from Common World , the work winning Mao Dun literature award and reflecting rural life
From Collectivization Narrative to Personalization Narrative & A Comparison between the Narrative Patterns between " Undertaking History " and " Ordinary World "
It 's the source of the novel 's " double-structure " which has two heroes and two ways of life and a dilemma end .
This paper attempts to discuss Lu Yao 's special position in Shanbei and his experience and works by analyzing his master piece the commonplace world .
In The Normal World , the locale for tales in his narrative of life miseries is still the " intersecting zone between town and country " .
Viewed by quite a few investigations , Lu yao 's The Common World has become one of the best-sellers in the market for the past twenty years since its publication .
We point out that the commonplace world is not the continuant of Life and review Lu Yao 's writing ideology and the contribution he has made to the Chinese contemporary literature .
Other trending books include those spurred by same name movies or dramas , such as Wolf Totem written by Chinese writer Jiang Rong , The Little Prince by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exup é ry and Ordinary World by Chinese writer Lu Yao .
Comparing to the other novelists , Lu Yao has not a high position in the history of contemporary Chinese literature , although he has a great deal of readers . Especially to his novel The Ordinary World , which has been read widely in the readers .
Remarkable people are all minorities in a world of average living .
In this workaday world
The virtual space makes one feel as if one 's body is transported to a world constructed purely by imagination .
The ability to transform the ordinary facts of our visual world into signs of something richer is one of the great powers of photography .
While the werewolf and vampire often try to blend in as ordinary mortals , the ghost must learn to deal with limited human interaction .
the maps in the 1972 and 1983 World Encyclopedia , the 1985 Grand Atlas World by Heibon Sha , and the 1980 Sekai to Sono Kunikuni published by Japan Geographic Data Center in Japan .
A sentence in an article recommended by the Fair ( WeChat Subscription ) touched me : by hard work , ordinary people only fight for the right to continue their ordinary life in the ordinary world .