
pínɡ zhuānɡ běn
  • paperback ;paper back;paperbound edition
  1. 这本书的平装本什么时候出版?

    When is it coming out in paperback ?

  2. 这本小说重新发行了平装本。

    The novel was reissued in paperback .

  3. 平装本现在在书店可以买到。

    A paperback edition is now available at bookshops .

  4. 用在泳池里游一阵后歇一阵的几个空当,她翻完了一本平装本言情小说。

    She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool .

  5. 这种书曾经畅销一时,现在推出了平装本。

    This title was a best seller and is now available in softback .

  6. 她说等那本书出平装本时再买。

    She said she would buy the book when it comes out in paperback .

  7. 这本书的平装本在去年推出,首次印数为7,000册。

    It was launched last year in paperback with an initial print run of 7,000 copies .

  8. 那部小说的平装本什么时候出版?

    When is the novel coming out in paperback ?

  9. 主编希望他的第二本书能以平装本出版,这样会增大销售量。

    The editor-in-chief hopes that his next book will be issued as a paperback , as this will increase the sales .

  10. 它就像平装本的Google,不过是在Google诞生的35年前。

    It was sort of like Google in paperback form thirty-five years before Google came along .

  11. 蒂姆o哈福德的著作《卧底经济学家》(TheUndercoverEconomist)(小布郎出版社(Little,Brown))目前已经出版平装本。

    Tim Harford 's book " The Undercover Economist " ( Little , Brown ) is out now in paperback .

  12. 市面上目前有这本漫画的平装本,以后还会有供iPad和iPhone用户使用的版本。

    The new comic book is available in . There will also be versions for iPad and iPhone users .

  13. 据哈利•波特系列的美国出版商ScholasticCorp.说,哈利•波特系列在全球销售了逾4.50亿本实体书。该公司目前正在出版该系列图书带全新封面插图的新版平装本。

    The Harry Potter series has sold more than 450 million physical copies world-wide , according to Scholastic Corp. , which publishes the books in the U.S. Scholastic is in the process of issuing new fancy paperbacks with new cover illustrations .

  14. 帕斯基把福楼拜那本小说的平装本扔了进去。

    Persky tossed in a paperback copy of Flaubert 's novel .

  15. 你知道它是否出了平装本?

    Do you know if it is out in paperback yet ?

  16. 出版商匆匆印制了这本书的平装本。

    The publishers rushed out a paperback edition of the book .

  17. 精装本比平装本贵。

    The hardback edition is more expensive than the paperback .

  18. 航班时刻表&一本娱乐性的平装本小说。

    Flight Schedule - An entertaining work of paperback fiction .

  19. 6.参考译文:男:你们这儿有这本词典的平装本吗?

    M : Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary ?

  20. 哦。明白了。我要平装本的。

    Oh . I see . I 'll have the paperback , please .

  21. 许多绝版的书籍又以平装本形式重新出现。

    Many books that are out of print are reissued in paperback form .

  22. 我们有平装本和精装本。

    We have a paperback and a hardback version .

  23. 这本书三月份将以平装本形式出版。

    It will be published in paperback in march .

  24. 明年会有平装本。

    A paperback version should be available next year .

  25. 集装箱滚装系索和固定器材是的。我们有平装本和精装本。

    Container Ro-Ro-lashing securing Yes . We have both the paperback and the hardcover .

  26. 平装本现在值40英镑。

    The paperback has a value of 40 .

  27. 她讲话带着与平装本翻译一致的地道英国腔。

    She spoke in the same fine English translation as the paper ¬ back .

  28. 在他逝世后,《管理实践》平装本确实重新发行过。

    After his death , the practice of management was indeed reissued in paperback .

  29. 那本小说的精装本卖了二十万册,平装本卖了两百万册。

    The novel sold 200 , 000 copies in hardcover and 2 million in paperback .

  30. 这家书店只出售平装本的书。

    This shop only sells paperbacks .