
  1. 如果我能活着离开小意大利的话……你开什么玩笑?

    If I leave Little Italy alive ... Are you kidding ?

  2. 我们在小意大利享用了完美的晚餐。

    We had a great dinner in Little Italy .

  3. 比如小意大利,中国城和其他民族聚居区。

    In little ltalys , Chinatowns and other ethnic enclaves .

  4. 你不会是害羞吧?在小意大利,你要放轻松点。

    You 're embarrassed , aren 't you ? You gotta loosen2 up in Little Italy .

  5. 诸如“中国城”和“小意大利”等地名在纽约市的任何地图上都找得到,但较小的种族小区也有很多。

    Place names like Chinatown and little Italy can be found on any map of New York , but smaller ethnic neighborhoods also abound .

  6. 很难想象有人会比在芝加哥的小意大利罗萨利餐馆的老板更不满这个冬天。

    It is hard to imagine anyone more upset about this winter than the owner of Rozal 's Italian Cuchina in Chicago 's Little Italy .

  7. 这个小意大利,管理的酒店提供旅客加勒比魅力与热情欢迎和款待意大利风格的影响,以及美食和设计相结合。

    This small Italian-managed hotel offers travelers the welcoming charm of the Caribbean combined with warm Italian hospitality and style as well as influenced cuisine and design .

  8. 在曼哈顿的小意大利城,24岁的玛利亚·芭芭拉邂逅了27岁的多曼西欧·卡塔尔多,一位和她一样居住在小意大利城的意大利移民。

    In Manhattan 's Little Italy , 24-year-old Maria Barbella met 27-year-old Domencio Cataldo , an Italian immigrant who came from the same region of Italy as her .

  9. 在父亲的后院里,有一棵无花果树。那一带过去被称作小意大利,但现在很快就成了多伦多雅皮士的又一领地,dkvtgra父亲的后院就在它的中心地带。

    In my father 's backyard , in the heart of what used to be Little Italy but is fast becoming yet another enclave of Toronto yuppydom , there is a fig tree .

  10. 现代咖啡馆借鉴意大利咖啡馆的浓缩咖啡和圆心馅饼模式,以至于在很多美国的大城市出现了一系列意大利裔移民聚集区,比如纽约的小意大利、格林威治村、波士顿北极、旧金山北滩。

    The modern coffee shop is modeled on the espresso and pastry-centered Italian coffeehouses that arose with the establishment of Italian-American immigrant communities in major US cities such as New York city 's Little Italy and Greenwich village , boston 's North end , and San francisco 's North beach .

  11. 平阳霉素对盆栽小菊意大利红的诱变效应

    Mutagenic effect of Pingyangmycin on Dendranthema × grandiflorum ' Italy Red'with small inflorescence

  12. 小肉丸和意大利面配有传统的自制番茄酱。

    Minced meatballs served with traditional home style tomato sauce .

  13. 当我拉完时,她咧开嘴笑了,大声说:小时候在意大利我听到过这首歌曲,我还记得。

    When I finished , she smiled broadly and called out , I remember that song as a child in Italy .

  14. 我拉完了,她笑眯眯地喊道:“我小时候在意大利就记得这首歌。好听,真好听。”

    When I finished , she smiled broadly and called out , " I remember that song as a child in Italy . Beautiful , just beautiful . "

  15. 就像那些在纽约的演员一样,我也曾大把时间赋闲在家(失业中),于是我在格林威治村一家小而高档的意大利餐厅做着午餐服务员维生。

    Like most of my fellow actors in New York I was " between jobs " and making ends meet as a lunch waiter in a small high quality Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village .

  16. 查姆的小旅馆及持续的传统小酒店,在意大利的时间已经容纳众多的意大利及国际人士。

    The small hotel & Charme continuous the tradition of small Italian hotel that in the time has accommodated numerous Italian and International personages .