
  1. 必需品与开胃酒:论格雷厄姆·格林小说中的侦探小说元素

    Necessities and Appetizers : Elements of Detective Fiction in Graham Greene 's Fiction

  2. 《聊斋》系列小说中的教育小说对兄弟教育题材的处理独具匠心。

    The novels of education in " Liaozhai " series are distinctive in the theme of the brothers education .

  3. 文言小说中的志怪小说和通俗小说中的神魔小说实际上都涉及到神这一形象群体。

    The novel novel and classical Chinese novels supernatural evil-spirit novels actually popular fiction all involved " god " this image group .

  4. 第五章:民俗是历史的与现代的社会生活与文化的传承,通俗小说中的社会小说具有更加丰富的民俗意味和民俗价值。

    Chapter Five : Folk customs are the life and cultural continuity of both past and present society . Social novels are embedded with more folk significance and value than other popular novels .

  5. 从陆士谔小说中探寻陆士谔的小说创作

    Lu Shi-e 'S Ideas of Producing his Novels

  6. 本文旨在讨论奥斯特的《神谕之夜》这部后现代主义小说中的反侦探小说叙事艺术。

    This paper seeks to discuss the " anti-detective " narrative in his postmodern fiction Oracle Night .

  7. 叙事情节简单,晚清白话小说中的女子革命小说,大多数叙事情节都较为简单,这样简单的情节,让人们可以一目了然的了解整个故事内容。

    Thirdly , women revolutionary novels in the late Qing Dynasty narrative plot , most of them are relatively simple . And simple plot can help people understand the content of the story .

  8. 对现代女作家小说中的儿童视角小说做细致的文本分析,并对比她们的非儿童视角小说,探究这类小说独特的诗学意义。

    Third , making the careful text analysis in the modern female writers ' novels which have the children 's angle of view , and contrasting their other novels with non-children 's angle of view , I will inquire into the significance in poetry .

  9. J.M.库切在《慢人》这部小说中所用的元小说叙事旨在探求小说与现实的关系并提出当代小说创作的新的出路。

    By using the metafictional narrative strategies , J. M. Coetzee aims to reveal the interdependent relationship between fiction and reality as well as put forward a fresh way for contemporary writing .

  10. 宋前小说中的动物文献与小说母题

    Animal Texts before Song Dynasty and Their Novel Motifs

  11. 第四章从结构方面分析该部小说中所体现的成长小说特征。

    Chapter IV analyzes the characteristics of initiation story presented in this novel in terms of structure .

  12. 第二部分是文章的主体,从三个方面详细阐述了小说中的女性主义:小说主人公的语言,吉里德共和国的各个阶层,人与自然的关系以及人的发展。

    The second part , the body part , elaborates the feminism through three aspects : the language of the protagonist , the hierarchy in Gilead , nature and nurture in dystopia .

  13. 历史小说作为明清章回小说中最早出现的小说类型,其叙事艺术达到了相当的高度。

    Historical novels , which are considered as the novel style that first appeared in chapter books of Ming and Qing Dynasties , are characteristic of outstanding narrative techniques .