
xiǎo ɡē jù
  • operetta
  1. 小歌剧《吉尔伯特和苏勒宛》中的人物。

    A person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan .

  2. 她与史密斯先生合作创作小歌剧。

    She collaborated with Mr. Smith to produce operettas .

  3. 渐渐地,他那轻松俏皮充满讽刺幽默的小歌剧为大家所知。

    Gradually , he became known to the public as a composer of light and humorous operettas .

  4. 然而苏美尔人没有石料可以利用。小歌剧《吉尔伯特和苏勒宛》中的人物。

    The Sumerian , however , had little stone available . a person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan .

  5. 1855年,他建立了巴黎歌剧院,这位经历把他自己的很多小歌剧搬上舞台。

    He founded a theatrical company in1855 , the bouffes-parisiens , which staged many of his operettas , and he managed the company for many years .

  6. 探索·选择·思考&关于小剧场歌剧《再别康桥》的音乐创作

    Explore , Choice , And Thinking , On The Music Composition Of The Opera Saying Goodbye To Cambridge Again LITTLE STONE

  7. 小剧场歌剧《再别康桥》被认为是近年来第一部以本土故事为线索,以中西方戏曲艺术相结合方式为主的小剧场原创歌剧。

    A small theater opera Farewell to Cambridge , in recent years was consider the first story in the local community for clues to the Chines and Western dramatic art-based combination of the original opera .

  8. 年轻的指挥家们在小乐队或小歌剧院里崭露头角。

    Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house .

  9. 这部学术上被称为“小夜曲”的歌剧仅在威尼斯花园演奏过一次。

    The opera technically known as a serenata was performed just once in a Venice garden .