
xiǎo tónɡ
  • a child
小童 [xiǎo tóng]
  • [boy] 幼童

  • 使小童持斧。--宋. 苏轼《石钟山记》

  1. Amber餐厅的预定表上赫然写着:不鼓励12岁以下小童。

    Amber 's booking form states that Children under 12 are not recommended .

  2. 从电视影片可见,Ahmedabad的救援人员正奋力清理颓垣败瓦,现场亦有小童支离破碎的尸体。

    Television footage showed relief workers struggling to clear rubble from demolished buildings in Ahmedabad , as well as mutilated corpses of children .

  3. Amber餐厅的预定表上赫然写着:“不鼓励12岁以下小童。”(也不知应该理解为压根儿不该有这样小的孩子,还是指不该带他们到这儿吃饭。)

    Amber 's booking form states that " Children under 12 are not recommended . " ( It 's open to interpretation whether that refers to having them at all , or just bringing them to dinner here . )

  4. 避免与活禽鸟接触,特别是小童。

    Avoid contact with live poultry or birds especially in children .

  5. 蜡烛应放在小童及宠物不能触碰的地方。

    Always keep candles out of reach of children and pets .

  6. 下列剂量,适用于成人及两岁以上小童。

    Below dosage applies to adults and children aged two years and over .

  7. 小童团费只适用于孩子在2岁到11岁之间。

    Child fares apply only to children aged 2 years to 11 years inclusive .

  8. 仅一半海地小童有为基本疾病如白喉和麻疹等接种疫苗。

    Just half of Haitian children are vaccinated against basic diseaseslike diphtheria and measles .

  9. 12岁以下小童和年满65岁长者享有票价优惠。

    Children under 12 and passengers aged 65 or above enjoy concessionary fares on all routes .

  10. 储存方法:请放于阴凉乾燥处及小童不能触及的地方。

    STORAGE Store in a cool , dry place , keep out of reach of children .

  11. 受影响的大都是小学及幼儿院,而病者大部份是小童和幼儿。

    Occurring mostly in primary schools and nurseries , the outbreaks have affected predominantly children and infants .

  12. 小童报读加拿大学校时需要一份防疫注射记录,该防疫注射记录需由专业注册医务人士签署及盖章。

    All school-aged children require an immunization form . this form must be signed and stamped by a licensed physician .

  13. 成人车费为两元,12岁以下小童和年满65岁人士的车费则为一元。

    Fares were $ 2 for adults and $ 1 for children under 12 and senior citizens aged 65 or above .

  14. 年底时,由志愿机构提供的服务包括教育、婴儿诊所和小童旅行。

    Services provided by voluntary agencies in the High Island Detention Centre included education , baby clinics and outings for minors .

  15. 您会欣赏现场表演和展示,船上电影院,游泳池,小童乘车,还有更多的巡航导弹。

    You will enjoy live performances and displays , on-board movie theatres , pool , kiddie rides and many more in the cruise .

  16. 她现在一直呆在楼上,客厅里没有我的小童妻在她以往的位置上似乎非常安静。

    She stayed upstairs all the time now , and the sitting-room seemed very quiet without my little child-wife in her usual place .

  17. 并建议小童、中童、大童鞋的划分标准以年龄为依据,而不应以鞋码大小为依据。

    The author also suggested that small , medium and big shoes for children be classified based on ages instead of shoe sizes .

  18. 关于“撒尿小童”有传说,之有个儿童在敌军阵营里撒尿,敌军败退。

    There are several legends behind the Manneken Pis , including one in which an infant urinated on enemy troops , who were eventually defeated .

  19. 香港小童群益会就以促进儿童及青少年与家庭成员的和谐关系为服务宗旨之一。

    Fostering a harmonious relationship between children , teenagers and their parents is one of the missions of the Boys'and Girls'Club Association of Hong Kong .

  20. 尿尿小妹当然没有尿尿小童那么出名,它只是一座新建的雕像,而不是历经岁月的城市象征。

    It is unsurprisingly much less well known than its male counterpart , being a new addition instead of a centuries-old symbol of the city .

  21. 香港小童群益会「总有晴天」精神病康服者家庭支援计划对患有精神病的家长及他们的子女提供协助。

    ' Sunshine Always'is a project to support parents with mental illness and their dependent children being run by The Boys'and Girls'Clubs Association of Hong Kong .

  22. 在抄写方面,这些小童要抄写一些中文单字;画图方面亦采取相似的方法,要求他们按一些简单的物件图象照样绘画出来。

    In the writing task , children were asked to copy samples of Chinese characters . similarly , the picture drawing task required children to copy simple objects .

  23. 电子钱包系统可让成人先存放金钱在小童的手带(即小童的电子钱包)中,令小童可以自行购物。你认为这功能有用吗?

    Another function of E-wallet system allows adults to deposit money into the children 's bracelet ( i.e.children 's E-wallet ) so that they can buy things on their own .

  24. 比利时在首都市中心摆放这么一个撒尿小童像是有点诡异,但是这个裸体小男孩欢乐撒尿的著名喷泉是人们争相拍照的对象。

    Belgium keeps it mildly weird at the heart of its capital , where the notorious fountain of a small naked boy merrily urinating is a constant source of camera clickery .

  25. 我仍在好奇,今年夏季我乘坐飞机的那家航空公司,对于那个开心的学步小童反复去戳登机口旁那台机器上的愤怒脸图标意味着什么如何解释。

    I still wonder how the airline I flew with last summer interpreted the input from the cheerful toddler who was repeatedly stabbing the angry-face icon on the machine at our departure gate .

  26. 特别是那位为了与最喜欢的肯塔基篮球队员说话而在赛后等了超过1小时的4岁小童。

    Not as long as there were autographs to sign and fans to meet – especially the4-year-old who had waited more than an hour after the game to talk to her favorite Kentucky basketball player .

  27. 东方的尿尿小童以国剧脸谱结合喜感造型的东方尿尿小童,融合东西方的文化特色无论摆饰或使用都是餐桌上视觉的焦点。

    The MANNEKEN PIS with male makeup in Chinese opera and funny design , linking the East and West culture , no matter where it is , will be the focus on the dining table .

  28. 你的美的用途会更值得赞美,如果你能够说,“我这宁馨小童将总结我的账,宽恕我的老迈,”证实他的美在继承你的血统!

    How much more praise deserved thy beauty 's use , If thou couldst answer ' This fair child of mine Shall sum my count and make my old excuse , ' Proving his beauty by succession thine !