
  1. 论屈赋对比兴方法的创新与发展

    On Creation and Development of Literary Introduction Method in QUYuan 's Works

  2. 屈赋是中国北方文化与处于南方楚地文化相互交融的结果。

    Qufu is the combination of northern culture and southern Chu Dynasty Culture .

  3. 心灵的旅途&论屈赋的深层意蕴

    The Journey of Spirit & On the Deep Meaning of Qu Yuan 's Poesy

  4. 时代对个体价值严肃的理性要求与哲学思辨&兼论屈赋中怨伤思想的内涵

    The Rational Requirement and Philosophical Thinking of the Age on Individual Value & Also on Sorrowful Emotion in Qu Yuan 's Work

  5. 苏雪林与武汉大学及其屈赋研究述略苏北高中武术课教学情况的调查研究

    SU Xue-lin , Wuhan University , QU Yuan s Rhyme Prose ; Investigation on Martial Arts Teaching Condition of Martial Arts Class of Middle Schools in the District of Jiangsu Province

  6. 它和神话传统一起,对屈赋的结构内容、奇诡浪漫的风格及神圣空间的生成有决定性影响。

    Together with the tale tradition , it has a decisive impact on the Qu Prose 's structures and contents , its mysterious and romantic styles and the production of its holy space .