
qū yuán
  • Qu Yuan;eminent poet;the failed statesman whose suicide on the fifth day of the fifth month is commemorated annually by the Dragon Boat Festival
屈原 [qū yuán]
  • [Qu Yuan] (约公元前340-前278) 我国古代伟大的爱国诗人。名平,字原。楚国贵族出身,任左徒,兼管内政外交大事。他主张对内举贤能,修明法度,对外力主联齐抗秦。后因遭贵族排挤,被流放沅、湘流域。公元前278年5月秦军一举攻破楚都郢。他怀着亡国的悲痛,在长沙附近汩罗江怀石自杀。他一生写下许多感人肺腑、彪炳千秋的不朽诗篇,成为我国古代浪漫主义诗歌的奠基者。他在楚国民歌的基础上创造了新的诗歌体裁楚辞。主要代表作品有《离骚》、《九章》、《九歌》、《天问》等。在诗中抒发了炽热的爱国主义思想感情,表达了对昏庸王室和腐败贵族的无比憎恨和对楚国人民苦难的深切同情,体现了他对美好理想的不懈追求和为此九死不悔的献身精神。他的作品语言优美,想象丰富,感情奔放。他的作品千古传诵,对后世影响极大,他的诗篇是中华民族对人类文化宝库的伟大贡献

  1. 屈原的生卒年月不详。

    The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown .

  2. 屈原成为朝廷中钩心斗角的牺牲品,因而遭到放逐。

    Qu Yuan suffered banishment as the victim of a court intrigue .

  3. L:哦,他们在为明天的端午节做准备,以纪念屈原。屈原是中国古代一位伟大的诗人。在那一天,我们也会把粽子扔进湖里或河里。

    L : Oh , they 're preparing for tomorrow 's Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Qu Yuan . Qu Yuan was a great poet in ancient China.On that day , we also throw zongzi into the lake or river .

  4. 屈原是楚国的三闾大夫,也是中国(china)非常早的诗人之一。

    Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China 's earliest poets .

  5. 屈原诗歌意象新探

    A New Probe into the Images of Qu Yuan 's Poems

  6. 屈原是中国历史上第一位伟大诗人,其代表作《离骚》是中国文学史上最长的一首自传体政治抒情诗。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet in the Chinese history .

  7. 论司马迁对屈原研究的历史贡献

    On SIMA Qian 's Contribution to the Research on QU Yuan

  8. 屈原爱国主义研究的历史审视

    A Historical Survey of the Research into Quyuan ′ s Patriotism

  9. 屈原看到这一切,极端气愤。

    Qu Yuan , see all of this , extreme anger .

  10. 屈原是我国文学史上第一位爱国诗人。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet of Chinese literary history .

  11. 屈原作品的贵族气质和民间气息

    The Noble Temperament and Folk Spirit in Qu Yuan 's Works

  12. 屈原、司马迁悲剧性人生之对比

    The Contrast of Tragedy Life about Qu yuan and Sima qian

  13. 屈原出生于大约2000年前的中国。

    Qu Yuan was born about two thousand ago in China .

  14. 屈原以后楚国主要作家及其作品研究

    The Study of Chu Country ' Major Authors after Qu Yuan

  15. 马克:我找到了一些关于屈原的东西。

    Mark : I found something about Q ū Yu á n.

  16. 文化冲突中的屈原悲剧人格

    Qu Yuan 's Tragic Personality in the Conflict of Cultures

  17. 从对屈原的评价看汉代人的文学批评思想

    Han 's literary criticism thought seen from their appraisal of QU Yuan

  18. 这个人是不是比屈原还厉害?

    Is this person more serious than Qu Yuan * ?

  19. 屈原悲剧意识的文化阐释

    The Research on the Cultural Connotation of Qu Yuan 's Tragic Consciousness

  20. 中国士人的屈原情结与人生困惑

    The Qu yuan 's complex and life puzzle of Chinese old scholars

  21. 摘要名剧《屈原》有较复杂的版本谱系。

    The famous drama Quyuan has a complicated edition pedigree .

  22. 这是为了纪念屈原之死。

    It honors with special reference to the death of Qu yuan .

  23. 昆仑是通天之山,屈原把自己的希望寄托于此。

    KunLun is powerful , Qu yuan place his hope on this .

  24. 试论屈原和李尔王发疯时的精神追求

    On the Spiritual Pursuit of Qu Yuan and King Lear in Insanity

  25. 屈原诗歌的个性和表现手法

    The Individuality and Technique Expression of Qu Yuan 's Poetry

  26. 本来已经死了,但是下去就碰到屈原在下面。

    But when I was down there I came upon Qu Yuan .

  27. 论美是理想的形式论屈原的美政理想

    On Qu Yuan 's Ideal of Perfect Politics Beauty Comes from Neutrality

  28. 作为政冶家的屈原有自已的法律思想。

    As a politician , Qu Yuan has his own law thought .

  29. 端午节是纪念伟大诗人屈原的。

    The festival honors the great poet , Qu yuan .

  30. 屈原的悲剧和中国传统文化的悲剧

    The Tragedy of Qu Yuan and That of the Traditional Chinese Culture