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bǐ shǒu
  • dagger;stiletto;poniard
匕首 [bǐ shǒu]
  • (1) [dagger] 短剑或狭长的短刀

  • 挟匕首以备不测。--宋. 文天祥《指南录.后序》

  • 今提一匕首入不测之强秦。--《战国策.燕策》

  • (2) 又

  • 图穷而匕首见

匕首[bǐ shǒu]
  1. 他拔出匕首转身面向追他的人。

    He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers .

  2. 匕首牢牢地卡在银质刀鞘中。

    The dagger stuck tightly in the silver scabbard .

  3. 他被刺了一匕首。

    He was stabbed with a dagger .

  4. 他的衣服还有手中的匕首都清楚地出现在我面前,刹那间往事浮现在我脑海里。

    I could clearly see the details of his clothes , the knife , and then history caught up with me .

  5. 他们喊道,每一条残缺不全的短信,以及每一条facebook拼写错误的更新状态都像一把匕首一样,刺穿了正确用法的心脏。

    Every mangled text message and misspelled Facebook status update , they cry , is a dagger through the heart of proper usage .

  6. 据警方介绍,嫌疑人吴X华在盗窃摩托车中,用匕首自残身体,以患有爱滋病自称拒捕。

    According to the police , the suspect in the theft of Miss X motorcycles in China , self-mutilation with a knife , claiming to suffer from AIDS and resisting arrest .

  7. DPS最高的匕首放主手,在主副手中至少要有一把快速匕首。

    Highest DPS dagger mainhand , have at least one fast dagger in either hand .

  8. 我的兄弟拿的不是刀,而是“kris”有力的匕首。

    It is not a knife my brother is carrying , but a kris-a small , powerful dagger .

  9. 18世纪,苏丹的Mahmud首次将这把匕首送给波斯NadirShah,但是Shah由于牵涉到叛乱被暗杀了,所以苏丹人保留了这把匕首。

    In the18th century , the Sultan Mahmud the first had this dagger for Nadir Shah of Persia , but Shah was assassinated in connection with a revolt , so the Sultan retained it .

  10. 米格尔立马接过手,他把Mani轻轻推至一旁,然后跪在泡沫垫子上,用匕首样锄头猛铲土壤,以松动土中石头,再交替用手清理掉泥土。

    Miguel takes over . Gently pushing Mani aside he kneels on his foam hassock and jabs the soil with a dagger-like pick to loosen the stones , alternating with brushing movements of the hand .

  11. 他被指控用匕首杀害他的女朋友

    He be accused of killing his girl friend with a knife

  12. 这仁慈的低语象一把匕首直刺进我的心。

    The kind whisper went to my heart like a dagger .

  13. 爸爸拔出匕首,猛冲过去保护他的女儿。

    Daddy drew his dagger and dashed to defend his daughter .

  14. 亲爱的朋友,我要把这匕首刺进胸膛。

    Dear friend , I Iower this dagger to my breast .

  15. 歹徒最近甚至用匕首刺伤了警察。

    Gangsters these days even stab cops with their knives .

  16. 我的天哪,这些咬痕像是匕首刺的。

    My god , those bite marks look like daggers .

  17. 你们用匕首的时候就大喊大叫。

    You guys shout when you 're using the knife .

  18. 你会用你的迦太罗尼亚短刀去同他的匕首决斗的。

    You would cross your Catalan knife with his dirk .

  19. 求助!请问此匕首的名字!

    Help ! What is the name of this dagger ?

  20. 是一把匕首,用刀尖,在我的皮肤上划过。

    Is a dagger with a tip , in my skin across .

  21. 他将匕首刺进警卫的腰部。

    He thrust the dagger into the guard 's side .

  22. 也发现他在上衣内还藏了把匕首。

    And that he carried a dagger under his coat .

  23. 所希望的是正确的人拿着这把匕首。

    If the right man had been holding the knife .

  24. 他把匕首刺入敌人的心脏。

    He thrust a dagger into his enemy 's heart .

  25. 剑、匕首或刺刀的鞘。

    A sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet .

  26. 他的图案戒指上刻着匕首的标志。

    His signet ring bore the emblem of a dagger .

  27. 他用一把神秘匕首的力量奴役了他

    He 's enslaved him with the power of a mystical dagger .

  28. 它是一对匕首&一把主手和一把副手匕首。

    It is a pair of daggers a main-hand and an off-hand dagger .

  29. 技能效果:为一个匕首增加毒攻击。

    Effect : Adds poison damage to a dagger .

  30. 拳专和匕首专合并。

    Fist Weapon Specialization : Merged with Dagger Specialization .