
  • 网络whalebone;whale bone
  1. 骨[不包括鲸骨,不仅进行清洗简单锯切(横向地或纵向地),且粗略刨光、压平或漂白]

    Bone [ excl. whalebone , worked beyond cleaning , simple sawing , cutting ( crosswise or lengthwise ), rough planning , flattening or bleaching ]

  2. 要说管家哈登太太,这个女人心肠也跟布洛克赫斯特先生一样,都是用鲸骨和铸铁部件造出来的。

    Mrs Harden , be it observed , was the housekeeper , a woman after Mr Brocklehurst 's own heart , made up of equal parts of whalebone and iron . ( Jane Eyne by charlotte Bronte ) .

  3. 人们捕鲸是为了获得宝贵的鲸油、鲸肉和鲸骨。

    Men went whaling to get the valuable oil , meat , and bones of whale .

  4. 在制造上,所谓的“全骨”束衣是指每一根鲸骨都尽可能紧紧的排在一起。

    Corsets made then were termed " full-boned " if the boning was placed a as closely together as possible .

  5. 在为一个罗马将军进行的欢迎仪式上,摆着一架特意从叙利亚运来的鲸骨,

    In one of the mighty triumphs given to a Roman general upon his entering the world 's capital , the bones of a whale , brought all the way from the Syrian coast ,

  6. 法勒则每隔一会儿就从那鲸骨的小窠里一步一点地走出来,在舱口对下面的人咆哮一阵,又对那些在上面桅顶上工作的帆手们咆哮一阵,然后又大肆咆哮地回到他那小屋里去。

    Every once in a while Peleg came hobbling out of his whalebone den , roaring at the men down the hatchways , roaring up to the riggers at the mast-head , and then concluded by roaring back into his wigwam .

  7. 在为一个罗马将军进入这个世界的古都所举行的壮丽的凯旋式上,那根从叙利亚沿海路远迢迢运来的鲸骨,正是那铙钹齐鸣的行列中最引人注目的东西。

    In one of the mighty triumphs given to a Roman general upon his entering the world 's capital , the bones of a whale , brought all the way from the Syrian coast , were the most conspicuous object in the cymballed procession . See subsequent chapters for something more on this head .

  8. 那边还有一大块拱形的鲸下巴骨,那么宽阔,简直连一辆四轮大马车也跑得过去。

    Be that how it may , there stands the vast arched bone of the whale 's jaw , so wide , a coach might almost drive beneath it .