
yě māo
  • wildcat;wild cat;stray cat;alley cat;hare;boorish fellow
野猫 [yě māo]
  • (1) [wild cat]∶野生的猫

  • (2) [stray cat]∶无主的猫

  • (3) [hare] 〈方〉∶野兔

  • (4) [boorish fellow]∶比喻卤莽或不受拘束的人

野猫[yě māo]
  1. 你像只自由的野猫,相当高傲。

    You 're as proud , willful and free as a stray cat .

  2. 一只大野猫在捕杀了58只羊羔后遭到猎捕。

    A giant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered .

  3. 我们看见又有两只野猫在黑暗中悄悄向我们靠近。

    We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness

  4. 家猫和野猫一样,会大量睡眠来节省能量。

    Cats sleep a lot to save energy just like wild cats .

  5. 与它们最接近的近亲是非洲野猫,它们现在仍然生活在非洲。

    The closest relative is the African wild cat which still lives in Africa today .

  6. 毫无疑问,家猫最早是从远古的野猫自然进化而来的。

    There is little doubt that house cats first developed naturally from ancient wild cats .

  7. 苏格兰只有400只野猫,但它们比狼小得多。

    In Scotland there are only 400 wildcats , but these are much smaller than wolves .

  8. 如果一只猫觉得它有危险,它会像野猫一样反击!

    If a cat feels it is in danger , it will fight back — just like a wild cat !

  9. 狐狸、野猫及其他一些动物都捕食野兔

    Foxes , wild cats and other animals pursue the hare .

  10. 这一区域的野猫可能正在吃鬣蜥蛋及其幼崽,金泰尔猜测。

    Feral cats in the region could be eating eggs and young iguanas , Gentile speculates .

  11. 在销售汽车时,用asfastasawildcat(像野猫一样快)来描述再好不过了。

    What better way is there to sell a car than to say it is as fast as a wildcat .

  12. n.陷阱他们在小山上设了一个陷阱抓野兔,不幸地却抓住了只野猫。

    snare They set a snare for rabbits on the hill , but unfortunately a wild cat was caught by it .

  13. 家猫和野猫曾经被人们认为对甲型流感病毒引起的疾病具有抗性,而H5N1病毒是甲型流感病毒的一个亚种。

    Domestic and wild cats used to be considered resistant to disease from influenza A type viruses , of which H5N1 is a subtype .

  14. 此外它还研制过一只名叫“野猫”(WildCat),奔跑时速可达每小时29英里的“机器猫”,以及一款6英尺高的人型机器人阿特拉斯(Atlas)。

    WildCat , which can run at speeds of 29 miles per hour ; and the six-foot humanoid robot Atlas .

  15. 然而,另外一种wildcat指的是wildcatstrike(野猫式罢工,自发罢工),是工会在未通过官方许可的情况下进行的罢工。

    Yet another kind of wildcat is the wildcat strike . That is a strike called without official approval by a union .

  16. 环境保护部长格雷格·亨特(GregHunt)在今年7月公布这项计划时说,希望到了2020年的时候捕杀的野猫数量可达两百万。

    In announcing the plan in July , Greg Hunt , the environment minister , said that he wanted to see two million feral cats culled by 2020 .

  17. 她结识了制作野猫日历的亚当·迈亚特(AdamMyatt)。日历模特都是他在奥克兰住的社区里找到的。

    She met Adam Myatt , who produced feral cat calendars , using models from his Oakland neighborhood , and shared her obsession .

  18. 香港——一群动物权益维护者和名人,包括息影演员碧姬·芭铎(BrigitteBardot)和歌手莫里西(Morrissey),批评澳大利亚政府打算捕杀数百万只野猫以保护濒危物种的计划是不必要的残忍之举。就此,澳大利亚官员做出了回应。

    HONG KONG - Australian officials have responded to criticism from animal rights activists and celebrities , including the former actress Brigitte Bardot and the singer Morrissey , that a government plan to protect threatened species by killing millions of feral cats is unnecessarily cruel .

  19. 澳大利亚濒危物种委员格雷戈里·安德鲁斯(GregoryAndrews)给芭铎和莫里西写了公开信,文中表示,野猫会捕食澳大利亚的逾百个濒危物种,在过去200年里,它是导致澳大利亚起码27种哺乳动物灭绝的“元凶”。

    Gregory Andrews , Australia 's threatened species commissioner , has written open letters to Ms. Bardot and Morrissey saying that feral cats prey on more than 100 of the country 's threatened species and that they were a " major contributor " to the extinction of at least 27 mammal species in the country over the past 200 years .

  20. 对家猫基因的初步测序是在2007年完成的。但最近,我参与的一项研究比较了家猫和野猫(Felissilvestris)的基因组,可以让人们更好地了解猫在过去1万年间适应环境的过程。

    The initial sequence of the domestic cat was completed in 2007 , but a recent study to which I contributed compared the genomes of the domestic cat and the wildcat ( Felis silvestris ) and sheds new light on the last 10000 years of feline adaptations .

  21. 她像野猫似的拼命挣扎,对着艾伦尖声辱骂。

    She struggled like a wildcat , screaming invective at allen .

  22. 我的小野猫,别再这样乱跑了。

    My wild little girl . don 't disappear like that .

  23. 美洲野猫与獾有什么共同之处吗?

    What does a bobcat have in common with a badger ?

  24. 在苏格兰野猫被视为有害动物而遭毒杀。

    In Scotland , wild cat is treated as vermin and poisoned .

  25. 古埃及人将非洲野猫驯服并予以神化。

    The African wildcat was tamed and deified by the ancient egyptians .

  26. 但他们对死的野猫很感兴趣。

    But they were happy about the dead wild cat .

  27. 通常为簇状的耳朵的短尾野猫;其皮毛名贵。

    Short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears ; valued for their fur .

  28. 野猫队!-集中精力比赛!

    Wildcats ! - Get your head in the game !

  29. 他打架时像只野猫,又咬又抓的。

    He fought like a wild-cat , biting and clawing .

  30. 芭铎认为杀害野猫是残忍,暴力的。

    Bardot argued that killing cats is cruel and violent .