
  • 网络figurative meaning;metaphoric meaning;metaphor;metaphoral meaning
  1. 英语复合词的比喻义不可能凭空而生,没有根基地构造出一个全新的概念来,它与人们的隐喻思维密切相关。

    The figurative meaning of English compound words cant be constructed without foundation and has a direct bearing on peoples metaphorical thought .

  2. 语言的比喻性用法是构建词义的重要途径,但简单的字面义&比喻义的划分会使比喻性语言的理解过于笼统。

    Figurative use of language is an important means to structure word meanings , but the simple distinction between literal & figurative meanings is rather general in understanding figurative uses .

  3. 戏曲行业词语比喻义的文化特性

    The Cultural Attributes of the Words ' Analogical Meaning in Opera Profession

  4. 基于激活扩散理论,分析了不同语义场间比喻义的激活扩散问题;

    Analysis of the spreading activation of simile meanings in different semantic fields ;

  5. 第三节分析了含有比喻义的成语翻译情况,从明喻、暗喻、借喻三个方面来阐述。

    The third part shows some idiom translation situations of metaphor from the aspects of simile and metaphor .

  6. 成语和谚语都具有比喻义,可以对其进行隐喻认知分析。

    Idioms and proverbs can be analysised by the cognitive metaphor , because of including meaning of parable .

  7. 虽然现在人们仅仅使用这个短语的比喻义,它却是来源于北美印第安人的真实习俗。

    Now a merely figurative expression , the phrase is based on an actual practice of North American Indians .

  8. 《现汉》中含比喻义的双音并列词语的功能认知分析

    The Analysis of Function and Cognition of Words Two-tone Side by Side with Analogy in " Modern Chinese Dictionary "

  9. 基于第二章的比较分析,尝试总结外向型汉语学习词典比喻义处理的一些合理的做法。

    Based on the comparative analysis of the second chapter , try to summarize the extroverted learners metaphorical processing some reasonable approach .

  10. 作为一名报社记者,尽管我非常热爱我的工作,但我决不会因为拼命工作而把自己送进坟墓里,无论是字面义还是比喻义。

    As much as I love my job as a newspaper reporter , I will never work myself into the ground , literally or figuratively .

  11. 人类在认识世界的过程中,喜欢从自身经验出发用自己已知的熟悉的概念去解释未知的陌生的概念,这种思维过程是比喻义产生的主要原因。

    Human in the process of exploring the world , they like starting from their own experiences with their known familiar concepts to explain the strange unknown , this is one of the reason that the generation of metaphor .

  12. 比喻义的训释与比喻义的形成&《现代汉语词典》比喻义计量研究之一本文结合城字现象,从比喻的本质特点和结构形式阐明词的比喻义的产生过程和被社会接受的若干条件。

    Started with the phenomenon of the derivative use of the Chinese " Wall ", the article expounds that how the metaphorical meaning of a word emerges and the conditions under which it can be accepted ty the society , with reference to the elementary features and structures of metaphor .

  13. 因为比喻中比照物语义特征的选择和使用范畴在各民族中有所不同,导致不同民族对词的概念之间的联想特征和处置方法的不同,从而引起比喻表达式的文化类型之间出现差别。

    Because different ethnic groups have different associating and usages about words and concepts , there for the selection of comparable object and its semantic feature lead to difference of metaphorical expression and its cultural categories .