
  • 网络Tobiah;Beverly Beyette;Bugeat;surilnaby
  1. 多比雅又常寄信来,要叫我惧怕。

    And Tobiah sent letters to put me in fear .

  2. 我看明神没有差遣他,是他自己说这话攻击我,是多比雅和叁巴拉贿买了他。

    And , lo , I perceived that God had not sent him ; but that he pronounced this prophecy against me : for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him .

  3. 代下13:1耶罗波安王十八年.比雅登基、犹大王。

    Now in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam began Abijah to reign over Judah .

  4. 他们常在我面前说多比雅的善行,也将我的话传与他。

    Also they reported his good deeds before me , and uttered my words to him .

  5. 尼6:17在那些日子犹大的贵胄屡次寄信与多比雅、比雅也来信与他们。

    Also in those days many letters went from the nobles of Judah to Tobiah , and Tobiah 's letters came to them .

  6. 艾曼妞.比雅饰演奥迪儿,她带著菲聂和嘉菲两名儿女与其他人一起逃离巴黎,向法国南部进发。

    Emmanuelle Beart plays Odile , a young mother of two children , Philippe and Cathy , who join the exodus out of Paris to the south of France .

  7. 和伦人参巴拉,并作臣仆的亚扪人多比雅,听见有人来为以色列人求好处,就甚恼怒。

    And when sanballat the horonite and Tobiah the ammonite servant heard of this , it displeased them greatly that a man had come seeking the good of the children of israel .

  8. 这冠冕要归希连(就是黑玳),多比雅,耶大雅,和西番雅的儿子贤(贤就是约西亚),放在耶和华的殿里为记念。

    And the crowns shall be to Helem , and to Tobijah , and to Jedaiah , and to Hen the son of Zephaniah , for a memorial in the temple of the LORD .

  9. 我的神阿,多比雅,叁巴拉,女先知挪亚底,和其馀的先知要叫我惧怕,求你记念他们所行的这些事。

    My God , think thou upon Tobiah and Sanballat according to these their works , and on the prophetess Noadiah , and the rest of the prophets , that would have put me in fear .

  10. 但和伦人参巴拉、作臣仆的亚扪人多比雅、和亚拉伯人基善听见,就嗤笑我们,藐视我们,说,你们作的是什么事?

    But when sanballat the horonite and Tobiah the ammonite servant and geshem the Arabian heard of it , they mocked US and despised us ; and they said , what is this thing that you will do ?

  11. 在犹大有许多人与多比雅结盟。因他是亚拉的儿子,示迦尼的女婿,并且他的儿子,约哈难娶了比利迦儿子,米书兰的女儿为妻。

    For there were many in Judah sworn unto him , because he was the son in law of Shechaniah the son of Arah ; and his son Johanan had taken the daughter of Meshullam the son of Berechiah .

  12. 参巴拉,多比雅,亚拉伯人,亚扪人,亚实突人听见修造耶路撒冷城墙,着手进行堵塞破裂的地方,就甚发怒。

    But when sanballat , tobiah , the arabs , the ammonites and the men of Ashdod heard that the repairs to jerusalem 's walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed , they were very angry .

  13. 你要从被掳之人中取黑玳,多比雅,耶大雅的金银。这三人是从巴比伦来到西番雅的儿子约西亚的家里。

    Take of them of the captivity , even of Heldai , of Tobijah , and of Jedaiah , which are come from Babylon , and come thou the same day , and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah ;

  14. 但和伦人参巴拉,并为奴的亚扪人多比雅,和亚拉伯人基善,听见就嗤笑我们,藐视我们,说,你们做什么呢?要背叛王吗?

    But sanballat the horonite and Tobiah the servant , the ammonite , and geshem the arabian , hearing of it , made sport of us , laughing at us and saying , what are you doing ? Will you go against the king ?