
  • Hoodies;Sweater;SWEATS
  1. 这些听起来像是谷歌总部才会有的活动,但在这里你会看到人们穿的是爱马仕(Hermès),而不是卫衣,而这些冥想者们都在为高盛(GoldmanSachs)工作。这家可敬的投资银行已有144年的历史。

    It may sound like the Googleplex , but you 'll find Herm è s rather than hoodies here : The meditators work forGoldman Sachs ( GS , Fortune 500 ) , the venerable 144-year-old investment bank .

  2. 我认为卫衣和休闲裤是其中一种常见的街头服。

    I think that wearing jumpers and sweater pants are one of the street fashions .

  3. 制作的产品有:T恤,衬衣,风衣,卫衣,运动服,牛仔裤,童装等。

    Produced products : T shirt , blouses , windbreaker , Wei clothing , sportswear , jeans , wear such .

  4. 此外,还有许多服饰,有黑橙相间的带帽防寒短上衣、T恤衫、卫衣和包包。

    And there are plenty of clothes offerings too , including an anorak in black and orange , T-shirts , hoodies and a bag .

  5. 为了表示他们是天生一对,情侣们会穿搭配的T恤衫或卫衣,特别是在他们放假一起出门的时候。

    To show their perfect match , lovers wear corresponding T-shirts and hoodies , especially when they go out together or when on holiday .

  6. 有不少于13000家次品店(只是一个估计数)在兜售旧金山主题的卫衣、夹克衫、围巾和全身的防雪童装。

    There are nothing less than ( this is only an estimate ) 13000 rinky-dink shops in Fisherman 's Wharf selling San Francisco-themed sweatshirts , jackets , hats , scarves and full-body snowsuits .