
  • 网络gravity gliding tectonics
  1. 固安凹陷重力滑动构造的动力机制

    Dynamic mechanism of gravity caused slide structure in Guan depression Hebei Province

  2. 江西安福重力滑动构造

    Gravity - gliding structure in anfu , jiangxi

  3. 煤系中常见的重力滑动构造

    The gravity slide structures commonly-found in coal measure

  4. 反转构造与重力滑动构造及油气

    Inversion structure , gravity-sliding structure and hydrocarbon resource

  5. 一个重力滑动构造的范例&介绍河南芦店滑动构造

    A Model Gravitational Gliding Tectonics & An Introduction to Ludian Gliding Tectonics in Henan

  6. 浅层重力滑动构造的类型划分与形成机制

    Classification and Mechanism of the Gravity Gliding Structures in Shallow Level of the Earth Crust

  7. 重力滑动构造

    On gravitational gliding structures

  8. 这些重力滑动构造一般在油气运移前就已经形成,它们是油气聚集的有利场所。

    These gravity slumping structures occurred before hydrocarbon migration , so they are favourable places for hydrocarbon accumulation .

  9. 由于燕山晚期岩浆岩的侵入及锡矿山背斜的形成,在背斜两翼产生重力滑动构造。

    The basic characteristics of gravitation gliding structure are multi layer , multi period , small scale , multi form .

  10. 煤系向斜两翼产生的重力滑动构造,可导致向斜轴部出现复杂的构造图象。

    The gravity slide structures occurred in both limbs of coal measure synclines will give rise to complicated structural image in the axial part of the syncline .

  11. 在盆地内,常出现含油的潜山披覆背斜构造、拖曳构造、重力滑动构造、冲断构造和不同时期不同类型构造复合叠加而成的复杂隐蔽断裂构造。

    In Bohai Bay basin , there are some oil bearing structures , such as buried hill drape anticline structure , drag structure , gravity slumping structure , thrust structure and complex subtle fault structure combined by inhomogeneous and asynchronous structure .

  12. 以区域地质调查为基础,运用构造解析方法,采用多学科、多手段的综合研究,确认该影像带影像特征最明显的地段乃是一个滑褶型多层式重力滑动构造。

    On the basis of regional geological surveys and applying the structural analysis by multi-disciplinary study and multiple methods , it has been confirmed that the segment with the best displayed image characteristics is marked by a gravity gliding structure with a multilayered gliding fold type architecture .

  13. 反流层析,逆流层析从地震看重力侧向滑动构造与油气&兼论马西逆同生断层不是反转构造

    Countercurrent chromatography Seismic Profiles Show Lateral Gravitational Sliding Structures and Hydrocarbon Accumulation , and Account for the Maxi Contemporaneous Inverse Fault Instead of Reversion

  14. 印支主褶皱前发生了重要的挤压拆离构造,主褶皱后发生了广泛的逆冲(南部)和重力滑动(北缘)构造。

    Press detachment tectonic movement happened and was of great importance , after that , the major fold in Indo Chinese epoch was formed , then a great deal of thrusting ( at southern margin ) and gravity slide ( at northern margin ) movement followed .