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  • contig
  1. 以序列标签位点(STS)为路标构建重叠群图谱是目前最普遍、最经典、分辨率最高的物理作图方法。

    The contig map basing on sequence - tagged sites ( STS ) is the most popular , the highest resolution physical map .

  2. 算法中通过不断选取后继k-mer,来扩展重叠群。

    We choose subsequent k-mer repeatedly to extend contig .

  3. 对大白菜13007个EST序列进行拼接共得到7714个片段重叠群(contig),从中筛选SSR标记。

    7,714 contigs were obtained by assembling 13,007 expressed sequence tags ( ESTs ) of Chinese cabbage and SSRs were screened from the contigs .

  4. 本研究还对鲤重叠群和斑马鱼基因进行了基因本体(GeneOntology,GO)和KEGG通路的功能注释,发现了一些富集在鲤中的生物过程和生物通路。

    We annotated the common carp contigs with Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways . Compared with zebrafish gene annotations , we found that a set of biological processes and pathways were enriched in common carp .

  5. 通过染色体步查建立水稻G200座位的重叠群

    Construction of a YAC Contig Encompassing G200 Locus via Chromosome Walking

  6. 忽地笑突变型叶片1810条有效序列经拼接后获得305个片段重叠群(contig)与574个单一EST(singlet)序列。

    879 contigs were obtained from the 1810 effective ESTs of mutant leaf of Lycoris aurea , among which 574 contigs were singlets .

  7. 根据其编码蛋白与已知LEA蛋白的同源性可以将这些重叠群和唯一序列分成8组。

    These contigs and singletons can be classified into eight groups according to the homology of their coding products to known LEA proteins .

  8. 片段重叠群(contig)分析表明有202条Uni-ESTs,其中有134个重叠群和68条单拷贝序列。

    There were 202 Uni-ESTs , which including 134 contigs and 68 singletons based on EST cluster result .

  9. 故后继k-mer的选取是一个非常重要的过程,只有选择了正确的后继k-mer才能得到质量较高的重叠群。

    So choosing the subsequent k-mer is an important process . If and only if the right subsequent k-mer is chosen can we get the contig with high quality .

  10. 为克隆新的髓鞘蛋白相关基因,将MPZ基因编码区cDNA序列与EST数据库进行同源性比较,得到与MPZ显著相似的2个EST,构建成801bp的重叠群。

    To clone novel myelin protein related genes , two human ESTs , which shared significant similarity with the human myelin protein zero gene , were found by the comparison of homologue between the cDNA coding region sequences of MPZ gene and the EST database of NCBI .

  11. 蚊虫地理生态位及其重叠群划分的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the geographical niche and overlap group of mosquitoes

  12. 虽然单条重叠群与参考基因组匹配稍差,但总体覆盖度较高。

    Although each contig can not match reference genome well , yet overall coverage is high .

  13. 各组中的重叠群和唯一序列数目差异较大。

    The numbers of contigs and singletons in each of the eight groups are much different .

  14. 这张物理图共包含4个重叠群,总长度为35.78Mb,覆盖了整个染色体的99%,并覆盖了完整的着丝粒区。

    The map consisted of 4 contigs with a total length of 35.78 Mb and covered 99 % of the whole chromosome size , including the entire centromere region .

  15. 同一生态位重叠群内的革螨,在宿主选择上很接近,倾向于寄生相同的小兽宿主,特别是主要宿主。

    The gamasid mites within the same group proved to have a similar host-preference , tending to parasitize the same hosts , small mammals , especially the dominant ones .

  16. 在物理图构建的过程中鉴定了覆盖水稻第四号染色体着丝粒的重叠群,并对这个重叠群进行了测序,获得了第一个完整的水稻染色体着丝粒序列结构。

    We reported the sequence structures of the first complete rice chromosome centromere through identifying and sequencing a large BAC clone-based contig , which covered the rice chromosome 4 centromere .

  17. 端粒克隆、着丝粒克隆以及重叠群之间空缺的大小都经过粗线期染色体荧光原位杂交鉴定。

    BAC clones corresponding to telomeres , as well as to the centromere position and the gap sizes between contigs , were determined by BAC-pachytene chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) .

  18. 采用重叠群方案简单可靠地实现了分群大小的优化,将节点密度高的区域灵活地划分成多个节点数较少的群,增大了每个节点的通信容量。

    The new method to adopt overlapping clusters for cluster size optimization is proposed secondly . The area with high node density is divided into clusters with a small number of nodes , so that the maximum throughput of each node can be increased .

  19. 本文论述根据对称性约化与群重叠方法编写的群分解EHMO计算程序的原理。

    The EHMO group decomposition calculation program .