
  • 网络overlapping mode
  1. 晚清文化政策之调整:从崇儒重道到中体西用

    Adjustment On Cultural Policies of the Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 中国的传统文化一向重虚、重道,看重精神文明。

    Empty , Taoism and spirit civilization had been highly thought in Chinese traditional culture .

  3. 晚清文化政策随着社会经济与政治的发展变化而不断嬗变,由单一的崇儒重道向杂陈的中体西用转变。

    The cultural policies of the Late Qing dynasty evolved with the economic and political development .

  4. 但如今的很多街道过度着重道的流通功能而忽略了街的交往沟通的场所特征。

    Now many streets over-emphasis on the function of circulation , while ignoring the communications between sites .

  5. 重道轻器的文化传统对我国职业教育的影响这位年轻漂亮的金发女郎重复道。

    Influence of Cultural Tradition of " Valuing Theoretic Knowledge more than Craftsmanship " on Chinese Vocational Education ; replied the gorgeous young blonde .

  6. 它植根于我们的基因中,潜移默化的发挥着作用,但中国传统文化重道轻器,往往忽略规律的研究和方法的总结。

    Poetry thinking which play a subtle role is rooted in our genes . But the traditional culture often ignores the research of rules and the summary of methods .

  7. 然而目前对于火锅饮食文化的研究多是集中在菜品、菜式以及营养上面;同时,中国素有重道轻器的思想,因此对食用、烹调食物的用具,即饮食器具的研究甚少。

    However , the studies of the hot pot culture are mostly focused on the dishes and nutrition , and China is known as preferring ideas to device , so there is little research on the cooking and eating utensils .

  8. 其不同于传统经学重道轻技的思考方式以及对于天地的独特思考,虽未对东汉的历史产生巨大影响,但依旧是值得后人们称颂的创新之举。

    Which is different from traditional classics Valuing technology for a unique way of thinking and the thinking of heaven and earth , although not a huge impact on the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty , but still worthy of praise after the innovations .