
chāo yuán
  • Overcrowding;overman
超员 [chāo yuán]
  • [overman] 超过定员

  • 船上超员

超员[chāo yuán]
  1. 商务词汇:单词解释:超额预定预定过多这些班机定位通常会超员10-15人。

    eg.These flights are usually overbooked by ten to 15 passengers .

  2. 其中绝大多数人乘坐严重超员、不适合航海的小船来到北非沿海属于意大利的兰佩杜萨岛。

    The majority arrive here on the Italian island of Lampedusa .

  3. 航空公司超员订票的分析

    An Analysis on the Over-sold Tickets of the Airline Company

  4. 超员导致救逃生设施不足。

    Inadequate life-saving and escape facilities due to overman .

  5. 饭店或航班已超员预订。

    The hotel or the flight is overbooked .

  6. 中学里超员情况十分严重。

    Overcrowding in secondary schools is pretty severe .

  7. 校车、客车严重超员、超速;

    driving an overloaded school or public bus or speeding when driving such buses ;

  8. 在机场他们告诉我没座位了,因为航空公司的票被超员预订了。

    At the airport they told me there was no seat for me , because the airline had overbooked .

  9. 这是一个我们拥有渴望超员过去自我的时刻。

    It 's a time when we entertain a spiritual desire to be more than we were in the past .

  10. 由此认为:严重超员造成的旅行环境恶化是诱发旅客精神障碍的重要因素。

    So we thought the bad environment caused by overcrowded carriage was the important factor which induced spirit obstacle , among the passengers .

  11. 据《南方都市报》报道,武广高铁上新增了可折叠的“超员凳”,供购买无座票的乘客使用。

    Trains that run on the Wuhan-Guangzhou Highspeed Railway will offer folding seats for passengers with standing-room-only tickets , the Southern Metropolis Daily reported .

  12. 根据我国目前的国情,铁路硬座客车车厢超员的现象是非常严重的,尤其是在节假日和寒暑假期间。

    According to the current situation of our country , the phenomenon of overcrowding is seriously common in railway , especially holidays and during winter and summer vacation .

  13. 乘客也不容易由于超员订票而被挤掉。当航空公司满负荷或超负荷运营的时候超员订票是一个大问题。

    Passengers also were not as apt to be bumped from flights by overbooking , which was a big problem when airlines were running at or over capacity .

  14. 驾驶员:警官,这些人都是我的亲戚,我不好拒绝他们,我也是第一次超员,您就别处罚了。

    Driver : Sir , all of the passengers are my relatives . I couldn 't refuse them . It 's just my first time . Don 't punish , please .

  15. 据介绍,每列武广高铁动车上都配备了一定数量“超员凳”,但不能保证所有乘客都能够拿到。

    It 's reported that each train on the Wuhan-Guangzhou Highspeed Railway is equipped with some folding seats , but it can 't be ensured that every passenger will be able to get one .

  16. 印尼政府救捞机构负责人SetioRahardjo说,幸存者证实这艘严重超员的渡船是因大风浪中轮船进水而沉没的。

    Setio Rahardjo , head of the government 's search and rescue agency , said survivors had confirmed that the heavily overcrowded vessel had sunk after taking on water in rough seas and strong winds .

  17. 有关数据表明目前,国有企业一方面是员工的绝对量大大超员,另一方面则是各种人才缺乏,特别是高级管理人才和高技能人才缺乏。

    The data indicate that at present , absolute significantly overcrowding in the State-owned enterprise employees on the one hand , the other hand is lack of talent , especially for senior management personnel and lack of high skilled talents .