
hú tuí zi
  • elaeagnus pungens;thorny elaeagnus fruit
  1. 落叶中Fe含量除胡颓子下降外,其余均表现升高;

    Fe content is higher in fallen leaves than in living leaves for all trees except Elaeagnus angustifolia .

  2. 新疆胡颓子属植物(Elaeagnus)分类探讨

    Study on the classification of Elaeagnus in Xinjiang

  3. 沙棘(HippophaerhamnoidesLinn)为胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)酸刺属植物,是多年生落叶灌木。

    Seabuckthorn ( of Hippophae rhamnoides Linn ) for Elaeagnus Branch ( Elaeagnaceae ,) acid thorn species is a perennial deciduous shrub .

  4. 重庆胡颓子植物种质资源与利用研究

    On germplasm resources of Oleaster plants in Chongqing and their exploitation

  5. 川渝地区胡颓子属药用植物资源研究

    The Resource of Medical Elaeagnus Genus in Sichuan and Chongqing

  6. 胡颓子科植物化学成分研究概况

    Survey in study on chemical constituents from plants of Elaeagnaceae

  7. 长叶胡颓子根茎化学成分研究Ⅰ

    Studies on chemical constituents in rhizome of Elaeagnus bockii ⅰ

  8. 江西胡颓子属植物资源及开发利用研究

    A Study on the Elaeagnus Resources and its Development and Utilization in Jiangxi Province

  9. 目的探讨富硒长叶胡颓子果实的抗炎和免疫作用。

    Objective To study the anti-inflammatory and immune effects of Selenium-Elaeagnus bockii Diels fruit .

  10. 长叶胡颓子降血糖、血脂及抗脂质过氧化作用的研究

    An Experimental Study of the Effects of Domestic-Simvastatin on Lowering Serum Lipid and Anti-Atherosclerosis

  11. 胡颓子叶正丁醇部位化学成分及其细胞毒活性初步研究

    Primary Studies on Chemical Constituents from Butanol Extraction of the Thorny Elaeagnus Leaf and Their Cytotoxicity

  12. 是胡颓子科胡颓子属的一种小乔木,是一种集生态效益与经济效益于一体的资源植物,是西北地区具有开发利用前景的重要资源。

    And it is an important resource plant in northwest region with ecological benefit and economical benefit .

  13. 概述了目前应用较少但又极具推广价值的胡颓子的食用价值、观赏价值和医疗价值,以及对胡颓子的选育和栽培技术。

    The breeding and cultivation techniques of Elaeagnus were described in detail after summarizing its food value , ornamental value and medical value .

  14. 沙棘属于胡颓子科沙棘属,是一种小浆果植物,为落叶灌木或小乔木。

    Seabuckthorn belonging to Hippophae of Elaeagnaceae is a sheepberry or small arbor with small berries , which is rich in oil , flavone , SOD , different amino acids etc.

  15. 胡颓子属是经济价值较大的一类植物,在食用、医用、观赏和保护环境等方面有广阔的利用前景。

    A survey of oleaster plants , which are considered to have promising prospects of exploitation for their value as food and medicine and for ornamental and environment protection purposes , was made in Chongqing .