
  • celebrity
  1. 世界和平组织这次邀请了许多大腕儿共聚一堂用这首歌曲呼吁世界和平。应邀参加歌曲录音的有U2乐队麦当娜,滚石,粉红弗洛伊德和绿日等。

    World Peace One has invited big names like U2 , Madonna , the Rolling Stones , Pink Floyd and Green Day to come together and sing the song as a call for world peace .

  2. 这双鞋太紧,把我的脚腕儿磨起了泡。

    These tight shoes have given me blisters on my ankles .

  3. 如今在中国许多大腕儿了置办了豪宅名车,而且开办了自己的盈利公司。

    Many celebrities in China now have large houses , luxury cars and profit-making companies .

  4. 一个月的时间里,她就在剧组里给“腕儿”们梳头,帮他们用吸油纸在脸上吸油。

    A month 's time , and she was in extra time to " the wrist " to help their hair on the face with oil absorption paper of oil absorption .