
  • 网络New economic growth point
  1. 城市环境及基础设施建设作为新经济增长点潜力巨大;

    Urban environment and infrastructural construction has deep potential as a new economic growth point ;

  2. 住宅产权私有化是实施新经济增长点战略的核心;

    The privatization of house property is the key to implementing the new economic growth point strategy .

  3. 新经济增长点与可持续发展

    The New Growth Point of Economy and the Sustainable Development

  4. 浅析东北老工业基地新经济增长点的培育

    The Cultivation of the Northeast Old Industrial Bases ' New Economy-growing Point

  5. 开发区&山西悄然兴起的新经济增长点

    Development Zone & A Quietly Newly Emerged Economic Extended District in Shanxi

  6. 新经济增长点&ITV产业发展初论

    A New Point of Economic Growth : A Tentative Discussion on ITV Industry Development

  7. 西部大开发已成为我国面向21世纪的新经济增长点。

    The West Development has become a new economic growing point when China enters the 21st century .

  8. 支持绿色技术研发,培育新经济增长点;

    New sources of economic growth were increased by support of research and development of green technology .

  9. 近年来,住宅产业已经成为我国国民经济的新经济增长点。

    Recent years , the dwelling house property had became the new increasing drop of national economy in China .

  10. 无独有偶,在过去的一周备受关注的还有与汽车一样成为新经济增长点的房地产。

    Coincidentally , during the past week with the car were the same concern as a new economic growth point of the property .

  11. 作为环渤海经济圈新经济增长点的天津,对推动中国北方乃至全国经济发展都具有全局性战略意义。

    Tianjin ' development , as new economic growth point of Bohai economic circle , is strategic significance to north China as well as national economic development .

  12. 电子商务正日益成为信息经济发展的动力和新经济增长点。

    The e-commerce has been turning into the power and the new origination of economic growth , where the copyright issue is an urgent basic legal problem to solve .

  13. 体育是人类抗发展危机的重要手段,体育产业是可持续发展经济系统的新经济增长点。

    Sport is the main way of man 's fighting against development crisis . Sport industry is an increasing point of new economy in the sustainable development economic system .

  14. 引进利用外资,培育新经济增长点,从而实现产业结构优化升级和经济增长是我国实施改革开放战略的根本目的。

    The purpose of reform and open up strategy is to utilizing foreign capital , cultivating new economic growth point and realizing the upgrade of industry structure and economic growth .

  15. 大力发展海洋工程装备行业也已成为我国进一步调整产业结构、提升发展空间、培养新经济增长点的战略方向。

    To develop the marine engineering equipment industry has become further adjust the industrial structure , enhance the development of space , cultivate new economic growth point of strategic direction .

  16. 九五期间我国确立了以住房建筑作为新经济增长点,带动经济的持续高速发展。

    During the Ninth Fiveear plan period , housing construction had been decided as a new growth dot in Chinas economy and it had led to a continue acceleration in economic development .

  17. 我国政府已明确指出,要大力发展居民住宅建设,培育新经济增长点,构筑经济发展新优势。

    The Chinese government has clearly pointed out that we should give energetic development to residential dwelling building so as to cultivate a new economic growth point and create new superiority of economic development .

  18. 国有林业企业实行股份合作制是一项系统工程,必须具备一定的充分条件和两个必要条件,即必须有足够的净资产可供置换和新经济增长点的形成。

    It is a systematic project to implement share cooperation reform of state-owned forestry enterprise and must be with full conditions and two prerequisites which are enough transferable net assets and new economic development areas .

  19. 不仅为孕育新经济增长点的高科技和创新行为提供了新的资金支持渠道,而且还因为投资者全方位的参与,极大地规避了创新企业可能遇到的各种风险。

    Venture capital offers a new capital supporting way to the conduct of the high-technology and creativity of the new economic growth . Venture capital successfully avoides various kinds of potential risks in innovation enterprises by the fully participation of the investors .

  20. 随着旅游业快速发展,我国对作为朝阳产业的旅游业越来越重视,对作为新经济增长点的旅游业投资持鼓励和支持态度。

    With the rapid development of the tourism industry in our country , the government pay more and more attention to the tourism which as a sunrise industry , and encourage and support the investment to tourism which as a new economic growth point .

  21. 随着中国加入WTO后受经济全球化影响的日益加深,现代物流业逐步成为新的经济增长点。

    With the growing influence of economic globalization on China after she joined WTO , modern logistics is gradually becoming a new economic growth point .

  22. ABC公司要把握这机会,把木浆做为新的经济增长点,也是公司攻关的方向。

    ABC company want to catch this good chance to achieve their growth and expansion . The pulp sales in China is the goal of ABC company .

  23. 目前RFID技术已成为一个新的经济增长点,在全球范围内漫延开来,研究开发RFID技术有着巨大的经济效益和社会意义。

    At present , RFID technology has become a new economic growth point , and it spreads over the world . The research and development of RFID technology has enormous economic and social significance .

  24. 随着我国加入WTO和经济全球化的发展,物流业已经成为我国经济发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点,物流中心选址问题也引起了多方面的关注。

    With the progress that we became a member of WTO and the progress of economic globalization , logistics has became an important industry and a new economic growth point in the economic progress of our country , and the location problem of logistics center has attracted great attention .

  25. 近年来我国每年小区的开发面积近4亿m2,智能小区是其中新的经济增长点,因此,针对我国的具体情况开发适合我国国情的小区智能化系统,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Recently the buildings development area of out country approximated 4 hundred millions m2 , intelligent buildings is the new economic point of growth among it . So it will have an expansive development prospect to develop a building intelligent system that adapt to our frondose national conditions .

  26. 体育产业:区域发展新的经济增长点

    Sport Industry : A New Economic Growing Field in Region Development

  27. 该生产系统建成后将成为北绿的新的经济增长点。

    It will be economy go up point of North green .

  28. 产业融合带来电信产业新的经济增长点。

    The industry convergence will bring in new development growth point .

  29. 版权贸易:出版业新的经济增长点

    Copyright Trading : The New Increasing Factor of Chinese Publishing Industries

  30. 当前的电子商务已成为新的经济增长点。

    Nowaday the Electronic Commerce have become a new economy increasing point .