
  • 网络Resource supply
  1. 分析为实现2020年GDP翻两番和长期可持续发展的目标,资源供给和对环境影响的挑战。

    Analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact in order to achieve China 's goal of quadrupling its GDP by2020 and sustainable development in long term .

  2. 公共教育资源供给中的效率与公平

    Efficiency and Equity in Public Education Resource Supply

  3. 推进教育公平与优质教育资源供给,降低家庭教育开支。

    The meeting called for greater equality in education and an enhanced supply of high-quality education resources to reduce families ' education expenditure .

  4. Markov链在人力资源供给预测中的应用

    An Application of Markov Chain in the Supply forecasting of Human Resources

  5. 加入WTO以后,两高一资相关产业向中国的转移,进一步加剧了我国资源供给压力和环境恶化程度。

    After joining the WTO ," two high and one capital " industries are transfering to China , which further exacerbates our resource pressure and the degree of environmental degradation .

  6. APEC制度化运作的可行性在于对制度的价值认同和足够的制度资源供给。

    The feasibility of the systematized operation of APEC lies in the identification of the values of systematization and in the sufficient supply of system resources .

  7. 针对运动估计算法选择问题,本文建立了VLSI结构中快速搜索类算法和全搜索类算法的资源供给-处理能力关系模型,为运动估计的算法选择提供指导。

    First , models of " resources supply - processing capability " relationship for fast motion search algorithms and full search algorithms were established in this paper , which are helpful for designers to choose the proper monition search algorithm for VLSI based inter prediction engine .

  8. 当今国内外铁矿资源供给的新态势

    New situation of home & abroad iron Ore demand and supply

  9. 农村经济增长中的农村金融资源供给及效应

    Rural Financial Resources Supply and Their Effects during Rural Economy Growth

  10. 电子政务环境下政府信息资源供给保障研究

    Supply guarantee of government information resources in the E-government environment

  11. 水资源供给和水库淤积存在着尖锐的矛盾。

    Violent contradiction is developing between water supply and reservoir sediment deposition .

  12. 培训资源供给与教师的需求不适应;

    The training resources supplies can not meet the needs of the teachers ;

  13. 从技术上和资源供给方面支持现场操作人员,并帮助提高现场作业人员的能力。

    Back up operators in technics and resources and help them to improve .

  14. 那么水资源供给会是怎样的一种情况呢?

    What would our water supply be like then ?

  15. 挖掘开源潜力,提高水资源供给能力

    Excavating the Potential of Water Resource Development for the Improvement of Water Supply Capability

  16. 区域内医院医疗资源供给现况分析

    Analysis of the current situation of medical resources supply of hospitals in a region

  17. 云南省卫生人力和床位资源供给与利用研究

    Analysis of provision and utilization of health man-power and inpatient beds in yunnan province

  18. 论后奥运时代体育资源供给与社会需求的博弈

    Discussion on Games between Sport Resource Supply and Social Demand of Post Olympics Era

  19. 我国经济正处于高速发展时期,人力资源供给是实现高速发展的保证。

    Our country s economy is booming while the human resources supply is the prerequisite .

  20. 城市化进程中温州人力资源供给压力分析及应对策略研究

    Human Resources Supply Pressure Analysis and Strategy in Response Study in the Urbanization of Wenzhou

  21. 在养老资源供给模式中,社会工作充当了关键的角色。

    Social work plays a key role in the model of the aged providing resource .

  22. 农村养老资源供给变化及其政策含义

    The Changes and Its Policy Implications of the Supply of Old-age Support in Rural Area

  23. 对资源供给因子的分析主要是从木材原料供给和资金筹集两各方面展开。

    The factor of supply of resources the main raw materials supply and fund raising .

  24. 正向资源供给冲击也是解释本轮投资扩张的重要原因。

    The positive resource price shock can also make clear the reason of recent investment expansion .

  25. 充足稳定的资源供给是国家经济安全运行与可持续发展的重要保证。

    Enough and stable supply of resources can ensure national economic operating safely and developing sustainable .

  26. 气候变化背景下欧洲中部水资源供给的不稳定性评估&以易北河流域为例

    Assessing Uncertainty of Water Availability in a Central-European River Basin ( Elbe ) Under Climate Change

  27. 资源供给冲击与宏观经济波动&重新理解中国经济增长

    Resource Price Shock and Macroeconomic Fluctuation

  28. 而我国的现有的森林资源供给能力很大水平上受到森林质量和综合利用率的限制,第七次一类清查期间我国的综合利用率仅为56%,全国超限额采伐比例达到50%。

    Our existing forest wood supply capacity level is limited by forest quality and comprehensive utilization .

  29. 本文有两个研究重点:一是在理论层面,梳理政府投入下社区卫生服务资源供给中政府、社区卫生机构、居民的关系。

    One is discussing the relationship of government , community health agencies and resident in theory .

  30. 三是承接服务外包的核心要素与人力资源供给的制度选择。

    The third is the core elements of undertaking service outsourcing and human resources supply options .