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  • placental barrier
  1. 结论bFGF能够通过胎盘屏障并促进宫内窘迫胎鼠神经元增殖并增加神经元存活数。

    Conclusions BFGF can penetrate placental barrier , and protect brain cells from hypoxia and stimulate neurons proliferation .

  2. 在安全剂量范围(5~500ng/g)内,外源bFGF剂量增加到一定值(150ng/g)时,胎盘屏障通透性明显提高。

    In the range of safe dose , the permeability of bFGF through placental barrier was increased obviously .

  3. 宫内感染的危险因素为母亲HBeAg阳性和胎盘屏障的感染。

    The risk factors of HBV intrauterine infection are maternal HBeAg positive and infection of placenta barrier .

  4. 为评估农用稀土常乐对人体胚胎的影响,采用微核试验和单细胞凝胶电泳技术检测混合稀土常乐能否通过胎盘屏障造成胎儿细胞DNA损伤。

    To assess the potential risk of mixed rare earths Changle for human embryo transplacental micronucleus test and single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) technique to detect DNA damage of embryo we used .

  5. 维生素E和槲皮素都是有效的抗氧化剂,但VE和槲皮素是否可以通过胎盘屏障和血脑屏障对子代小鼠的神经系统产生保护作用,目前还不清楚。

    Vitamin E and quercetin are both effective anti-oxidant , but it is still unclear whether VE and quercetin can protect nerval system of mice through crossing placenta barrier and blood-brain barrier .

  6. 血清与脐血IGFⅠ的分泌相对独立,提示IGFⅠ不能通过胎盘屏障。

    Separate secretions of IGF ⅰ in serum and cord blood suggest that IGF ⅰ can not pass through the placenta barrier ;

  7. 汽车尾气具有遗传毒性,可通过胎盘屏障,干扰细胞分裂,诱发染色体畸变、断裂及引起DNA的损伤。

    ( 3 ) Automobile exhaust has genetic toxicity . It can get across the placental barrier and interfere with cell division . It can also trigger the chromosomal aberration and breakage and cause the damage of DNA .

  8. 采用血清直接感染法进行滋养层细胞的HBV感染,模拟自然状态下HBV分别感染胎盘屏障中的滋养层细胞及内皮细胞,然后感染构建的胎盘体外屏障,探讨HBV感染胎盘屏障的可能性。

    The direct serum infection method is used to simulate the natural HBV infection of trophoblastic cells or HUVEC separately , and then the possibility of HBV infection of human placental barrier is discussed .

  9. 而且胎盘屏障可以部分阻止HBV穿透母体面至胎儿面,所以在感染后的24h,共培养体系的外室上清液中HBVdna仅能一过性的达到103/ml。

    Also , this barrier can block part of HBV transmission from mother side to fetal side , so HBV DNA in co-culture system outside supernatant only transiently can reach 103 / ml after 24h infection .

  10. 结论MCLR可透过胎盘屏障造成肝、肾等脏器损伤,可能在胚胎期就已形成肝癌高发基础。

    Conclusion MCLR passes through the placental barrier and causes damage in kidney and liver , which may be the basis of high incidence of liver caner in the fetus phase .

  11. 口服补充无机硒通过血脑屏障和胎盘屏障的实验研究

    The permeability of blood-brain barrier and placenta to selenium in rat

  12. 先兆子痫胎盘屏障破损:超微结构证据

    Placental barrier breakage in preeclampsia : Ultrastructural evidence

  13. 谷氨酸单钠透过胎盘屏障对仔鼠特定脑区的结构和功能的影响

    Transplacental neurotoxic effects of monosodium glutamate on structures and functions of specific brain areas of filial mice

  14. 由于胎盘屏障功能有限,母体内的一些环境污染物进入胎儿体内。

    Some environmental pollutants can transplacentally transfer from mothers to their fetuses for the limited function of placental barrier .

  15. 所有的药物都能穿过胎盘屏障,因此专家建议,除非是临床需要,否则妇女在怀孕期间不应该随便服用药物。

    Nowadays , the Royal College 's view is that women should not take drugs unless there is a clinical need .

  16. 低剂量镉可以通过大鼠胎盘屏障并分布到胎鼠体内的脑、心脏、肝脏和肾脏等多个脏器。

    Low-dose cadmium can penetrate the placental barrier of the rats and distribute to the brain , heart , liver , kidneys and other organs of the foetuses .

  17. 妊娠期禁用:香豆定禁用于孕妇,或可能已怀孕的妇女,因为本品可能穿过胎盘屏障,引起子宫内胚胎致命的出血。

    Pregnancy : Coumadin is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnat because the drug basses through the placental barrier and may cause fatal hemorrhage to the felus in utero .

  18. 结论过多的氟化物可以通过胎盘屏障直接作用于仔鼠颅骨成骨细胞,引起成骨细胞结构、细胞周期的改变,并可致细胞凋亡。

    Conclusion Excessive fluoride can directly through the placental barrier , influence cell structure and cell cycle distribution of fluorosis rat offspring and render the cell cycle stagnant in S phase , induce apoptosis .

  19. 锰可通过动物胎盘屏障进入胎儿体内,透过血脑屏障沉积于脑,引起脑形态学、生物化学和微量元素分布异常,神经行为机能障碍;

    Manganese can enter embryo body through placental-barrier , then accumulate in the brain through blood-brain barrier which may induce morphological , biochemical and microelement distributing abnormities in brain and alterations of nervous behavioral function .

  20. 如果怀孕了还喝酒,那这就是把自己的孩子置于患上胎儿酒精综合症的危险之中。胎儿酒精综合症,是酒精透过胎盘屏障影响生长中的胎儿的一种情况。

    A woman is at risk of giving birth to a child with fetal alcohol syndrome if she drinks while pregnant.Fetal alcohol syndrome ( FAS ) is a condition that affects the developing fetus when alcohol passes through the placental barrier .

  21. 目的研究必需和非必需微量元素在正常产妇毛发、静脉血及胎儿脐血间的分布规律,探讨胎盘屏障对母体和胎儿间微量元素转运的影响。

    Objective To study the distribution of selected nutritional and toxic trace elements in mother 's hair , venous blood , and cord blood , and the blocking effects of the placental barrier to the transportation of trace elements from mother to her baby .

  22. 结论:1、甘油果糖是一种有效的自由基清除剂,在人体内有良好的稳定性,可通过人体胎盘屏障对宫内窘迫胎儿有保护作用,其机制与减轻脂质过氧化损伤有关。

    The glycerin fructose as an effective free radical scavenger . It had good stability in human , it can penetrate the placental barrier and protect the neonates ' brain through improving the blood circulation . Its mechanism might be related to ameliorate the oxidative injuries . 2 .

  23. 它主要包括皮肤、粘膜和胎盘的屏障作用;吞噬细胞的吞噬作用;补体对微生物的杀伤作用。

    It includes the barrier of skin , mucosa and placenta ; the phagocytosis ofphagocyte ; complement in blood serum to kill microbe .

  24. 胎盘作为局部免疫屏障具有重要的研究价值。

    Placenta bears more important research value as local immunological barrier .

  25. 由此证明,苦马豆素能损害胎盘并通过胎盘屏障直接作用胎儿。

    It was suggested that swainsonine could damage placenta and endanger directly fetuses through placental barrier .

  26. 脑源性神经营养因子在宫内缺氧环境中对胎盘及血脑屏障通透性的实验研究

    Study on permeability of brain derived neurotrophic factor through placental barrier and fetal blood brain barrier after transient uteroplacental ischemia

  27. 胎盘滋养层细胞作为胎盘屏障的第一层细胞,直接与母亲血液接触,以往的组织病理学研究也已经得到滋养层细胞感染的证据,但其确切机理国内尚未见报道。

    Trophoblast cells , as the outermost covering of placental barrier , are directly bathed in the maternal blood .

  28. HCV经胎盘感染胎儿必须首先突破胎盘屏障的第一道防线&滋养层细胞。

    The trophoblast is the first line of defence of HCV transmitting to foetus .

  29. 研究提示,多种不良宫内环境(如孕妇应激)可降低胎盘11p-HSD-2的表达而开放胎盘屏障,使胎儿过暴露于母源性GC。

    Previous studies suggested that , a variety of adverse intrauterine environments ( e.g. maternal stress ) could decrease placental 11 β - HSD-2 expression and thus open the placental barrier . Finally , the fetus was overexposed to maternal GC .

  30. 结论MCLR可直接对胎盘产生毒性作用,损伤胎盘屏障并改变其通透性,使得MCLR容易进入胎盘而影响胚胎形成和发育。

    Conclusion MCLR could injure the placenta barrier directly which made MCLR easily enter the embryo and effect the forming and development of embryo .