
dǎn zhī pái xiè
  • biliary excretion
  1. 药后24h内尿和粪的排泄量分别占给药量的009%和429%,12h内胆汁排泄的主要为代谢产物,原型药物仅为给药量的014%。

    The excretion of parent drug in urine amounted to only 0 09 % of the dosage and in feces to 42 9 % within 24 h after dosing . The biliary excretion were mainly metabolites and only 0 14 % of parent drug of the dosage within 12 h.

  2. 头孢妥仑测定方法的建立及胆汁排泄机制研究

    Construction of determination of cefditoren and the investigation of mechanism of biliary excretion

  3. 小鼠或大鼠(用于胆汁排泄试验)静注盐酸nolarrexed80mg八g的排泄试验显示尿、粪和胆汁中原型药物的排泄分别占给药总量的2.8%、

    Mice or rats ( used for bile excretion test ) were administered intravenously with nolatrexed dihydrochloride at 80 mg / kg .

  4. 大鼠口服DHC后主要经胆汁排泄。

    So DHC was mainly excreted in bile after oral administration of DHC .

  5. 并且,48h内,大部分放射活性(66%)由尿液排泄,小部分(14%)由胆汁排泄。

    The majority ( 66 % ) of radioactivity was recovered from urine in 24 hours and 14 % of radioactivity was from bile in 48 hours .

  6. 静注给药后藤黄酸主要通过胆汁排泄,给药后16h内藤黄酸在胆汁中的平均累积排泄百分率为36.5%;

    Gambogic acid was mainly excreted through bile and the percentage of the corresponding cumulative excretion was found to be about 36.5 % within 16 h.

  7. 结论在没有肝外梗阻,无Oddi括约肌功能失调的病人,其胆汁排泄于术前、术后无明显变化,胆囊切除术后胆总管无代偿性扩张。

    Conclusions Excretion of bile and function of Oddi sphincter had no change before and after cholecystectomy in patients without obstruction of biliary tract , nor there was a postoperative compensatory dilatation of the common bile duct .

  8. 抗分枝杆菌活性成分&丹参酮的胆汁排泄与肝内转化

    Tanshinones : antimycobacterial agents & its bile excretion and biotransformation in rat liver

  9. 6)胆汁排泄率低.7)肾脏排泄:75-83%(非转变)再者,头孢噻甲羧肟实质上是无肾毒性。

    Excretion : 75-88 % ( unchanged ) Furthermore , Ceftazidime is virtually non-nephrotoxic .

  10. 这些胆瘘可能是来自于肝尾状叶胆管根部的胆汁排泄。

    A proportion of these leaks may derive from biliary radicles draining the caudate lobe .

  11. 灯盏花乙素苷元的胆汁排泄研究

    Study on bile excretion of scutellarein

  12. 头孢妥仑胆汁排泄的分子机制及其对肝脏转运蛋白调节作用的研究

    Molecular Mechanism of Biliary Excretion of Cefditoren and the Effects of Cefditoren on the Expression Levels of Hepatic Transporters

  13. 药物在组织脏器中分布广泛,主要经粪和胆汁排泄。

    EPR was shown to be widely distributed to the various tissues and mainly eliminated via the feces and bile .

  14. 阻塞性黄疸是指肝外胆道完全或不完全梗阻时,胆汁排泄受阻,而使血清内结合胆红素浓度增高,使巩膜、皮肤、黏膜、体液和其他组织被染成黄色,属于胆汁淤积性黄疸。

    Obstructive jaundice refers to when the bile ducts outside liver are blocked , the concentration of conjugated bilirubin in serum increases due to cholestasis .

  15. 肝细胞胆管侧细胞膜表面存在着多种特异性表达分布的转运体和调控蛋白,共同参与肝细胞胆汁排泄的生理功能。

    There are many transporters and proteins specially expressed on hepatocyte canalicular membrane . All these polarized molecules participate in the process of bile secretion .

  16. 肝脏损害或胆汁排泄不畅时,血中胆碱脂酶减少,影响神经、肌肉的正常生理功能。

    Liver is damaged or bile is excreted not when free , fat of the choline in blood is enzymatic decrease , influence nerve , sarcous is normal physiology function .

  17. 相反,当胆汁排泄异常时,肝的功能也会受影响。仍有3例未能显示出肝外胆管梗阻病变。

    Conversely , when bile fails to be excreted normally , the liver function will be affected , too . Three of 68 patients had not shown any obstructive pathological lesions .

  18. 治疗试验结果表明茶多酚复方制剂在高血脂和肝损伤形成以后添加,可以通过诱导增加胆汁排泄、修复肝细胞和提高抗氧化性能等作用加快高血脂和肝损伤大鼠的康复。

    Treats experiment show that the tea-polyphenols Compound treat can can Acceleration hyperlipidemia and Liver damage modle rats recover through inducted increase bile excretion , Repairs the liver cell and Anti-oxidation .

  19. 静注后48小时,自胆汁排泄剂量的57.7%,其中原形药放射性占剂量的20.2%。

    Biliary excretion was also an important route of excretion . Normal rats excreted 57.7 % of the administered radioactivity in the bile in 48 hours , while only 20.2 % was in unchanged form .

  20. 大鼠灌胃口服多索茶碱50mg·kg-1后从(0~12h内)尿、粪和胆汁中排泄的原型药物分别占给药总量的27.12%、1.96%和1.68%。

    After a single oral dose of 50 mg · kg - 1 doxofylline in rats , the excretion of the parent drug in urine , feces and bile amounted to 27.12 % , 1.96 % and 1.68 % of the dose , respectively .

  21. 蒽醌衍生物在体内易由粪、尿和胆汁中排泄。

    Anthraquinone derivatives were excreted by the bowel , urine and bile .

  22. 从尿、粪和胆汁中排泄的原型药物很少。

    The parent drug excretion was less than 3 % via urine , feces and bile .

  23. 由此提示,苦黄注射液具有良好的利胆和促进胆红素从胆汁中排泄的作用。

    It is suggested that Kuhuang Injection have good cholagogic action and excretion-promoting action of bilirubin from bile .

  24. 另一方面,只有胆汁的排泄正常,肝才能充分执行其正常的理气功能。

    On the other hand , when bile is excreted properly , the liver can give full play to its function in regulating the normal flow of qi .

  25. T-2毒素及其代谢产物在大鼠胆汁中的排泄和肠肝循环

    Bile excretion and enterohepatic circulation of T-2 toxin and its metabolites in the rats

  26. 不同剂量染料木黄酮及其代谢产物在大鼠胆汁中的排泄动力学

    Biliary excretion of genistein and its metabolite at different doses in rats

  27. 在尿、粪、胆汁中均有排泄,尿中约占60%,粪中约占25%,胆汁中约占15%;

    β - asarone was excreted from urine , dung and bile , of which about 60 % was from urine , 25 % was from dung , and 15 % was from bile .

  28. 牡荆素主要通过肝脏和肾脏代谢排泄,在大鼠尿、粪和胆汁中的总排泄量约为给药量的30%。

    Vitexin was mainly excreted through bile , and urine , and the total percentage of the corresponding cumulative excretion was found to be nearly 30 % in the bile , urine and feces .

  29. 提示舒胆汤不仅能增加胆汁的分泌和排泄,还能调整胆汁中各有形成分之间的比例,治疗和预防胆石症。

    This indicates that DDSG can not only increase the secretion and excretion of bile , but regulate the proportion of bile composition , so that it is applicable to the treatment and prevention of cholelithiasis .

  30. 大鼠po20mg.kg-1加替沙星后,测定各组织的药物浓度,并测定尿液、胆汁与粪便累积排泄率。

    After a single of 20 mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) Gatifloxacin to rats , tissues of drug concentrations at 5,15 min and 4 h were determined . The urinary , bile and dejection accumulative excretions were determined .