
dǎn jiǎn nénɡ shén jīnɡ
  • cholinergic nerve
  1. 神经末梢.结果提示,脑内G0蛋白的α0亚单位在膜信息传递中可能与胆碱能神经成分有一定关系。

    It is suggested that α _0 subunit of Go-protein in brain might play roles in membrane signal transduction , and might have some relationship with cholinergic nerve .

  2. 左心室游离壁3层之间胆碱能神经分布有跨室壁不均一性,而M2受体密度没有明显差异。

    Transmural heterogeneity characterizes cholinergic nerve innervation in the left ventricular free wall without significant differences in M2 receptor density .

  3. 改善胆碱能神经系统的功能:增强大脑海马与皮层中NOS的活性;

    Enhance NOS enzyme activity in the Hippocampus and cerebra cortex ;

  4. 重链N端能够结合特定胆碱能神经末梢质膜受体,C端主要在内化过程中起作用。

    The N-terminal end of the heavy chain is responsible for binding to specific pre-synaptic neuronal cell receptors and the C-terminal end facilitates internalization .

  5. 银杏内酯A对胆碱能神经功能损伤引起的SD大鼠学习记忆的促进作用

    Improving effects of ginkgolide A on nucleus basalis of Meynert lesion-induced learning and memory deficits in SD rats

  6. 结论:中枢组胺H3受体与大鼠空间记忆的调节密切相关,而且其作用与胆碱能神经相关。

    CONCLUSION : The brain histamine H3-receptor antagonists are highly related to the spatial memory , and this action may be due to cholinergic neurons .

  7. 结论:中枢组胺可以明显改善前脑基底核破坏所致大鼠记忆障碍,其作用主要与H1受体与胆碱能神经相关。

    CONCLUSION : Histaminergic neurons play an important role in learning and memory via H1-receptor , and its action may be due to cholinergic neurons .

  8. 结论:中枢组胺H1受体参与了调节大鼠空间记忆的作用,而且其作用主要与组胺神经及胆碱能神经相关。

    CONCLUSION : Histamine H1-receptors plays a certain role in spatial cognition , and its action may be due to both histaminergic and cholinergic neurons .

  9. 尤其是RB/PBO基因更为重要,而RB基因则触发胆碱能神经分化。

    However , RB triggers cholinergic differentiation .

  10. 结论:PNS对AD大鼠模型大脑胆碱能神经的病理损害具有保护作用。

    Conclusion : PNS plays a protective role in pathological lesion of cholinergic neuron in AD rat model .

  11. 目前治疗AD病的主要方法是通过增加大脑胆碱能神经传递抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶(Acetylcholinesterase,AChE)活动。

    Current treatment of AD focuses on increasing cholinergic neurotransmission in the brain through inhibiting Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) activity .

  12. 方法采用大鼠脑室内微量反复注射喹啉酸(quinolinicacid,QA)造成的学习记忆障碍模型和自然衰老大鼠,测定其学习记忆功能和脑内胆碱能神经系统的变化。

    Methods The learning and memory impairment model was established through intraventricular injecting quinolinic acid ( QA ) repeatedly .

  13. 实验组应用NGF后胆碱能神经纤维密度较心梗组升高。

    The density of the cholinergic fibers in experimental group using NGF is much higher than that in AMI group .

  14. 发现围绕小动脉和细小动脉除有肾上腺素能神经以外,还有AChE阳性反应的神经,这种反应可以作为胆碱能神经的标志。

    In addition to adrenergic nerves , there are acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) containing nerves surrounding the small arteries and arterioles .

  15. 膀胱ICC细胞可能参与了胆碱能神经对逼尿肌收缩功能的调控。

    ICCs in bladder might play roles in the regulation of detrusor contraction by the interaction with cholinergic nerve .

  16. 胆碱能神经及其受体的变化在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的发病过程中起重要的作用。

    The changes of cholinergic nerve and its receptors play an important role in the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  17. 结论BPH梗阻性逼尿肌不稳定与逼尿肌胆碱能神经密度降低(去神经)程度有关。

    Conclusion Detrusor instability secondary to BPH obstruction is related to the decrease of cholinergic innervation density in the detrusor muscles .

  18. 目的:研究腺苷A1受体阻断剂对学习记忆的影响与中枢胆碱能神经的关系。

    Aim : To observe the effects of adenosine A_1 blocking receptor on memory and its relationship with central cholinergic nerve .

  19. 提示胆碱能神经功能亢进不是本组CG和PU患者的主要病因。

    It is suggested that the hyperfunction of the cholinergic nerve seems not to be involved in the pathogenesis of these two diseases .

  20. 养寿丹对Alzheimer病肾阳虚模型大鼠中枢胆碱能神经递质和细胞因子的影响

    Effect of Yang Shou Dan on IL-1 β、 AchE Response Elements of APP Protein in Rat Model with Alzheimer 's Disease Combining Yang Deficiency of Kidney

  21. 作者认为,MSG可能是通过胆碱能神经影响正常体温。

    The authors suggest that the effect of MSG decreasing body temperature may depend on the cholinergic nerve .

  22. 在体和离体研究中枢胆碱能神经系统在血管性痴呆(VaD)认知功能障碍形成中的作用及机制。

    Experimental research on the cholinergic pathogenesis of vascular dementia ( VaD ) in vivo and in vitro .

  23. 结论大鼠心房、心室肌均有胆碱能神经和M2受体,并存在明显的密度差异;

    Conclusion Cholinergic nerves and M2 receptors are located in both rat atria and ventricles , but their density is much higher in the atria than in the ventricles .

  24. 目的:观察三七总皂苷(PNS)对老年性痴呆(AD)大鼠模型大脑胆碱能神经病理损害的保护作用。

    Objective : To observe the protective effect of Panax notoginseng saponins ( PNS ) against pathological lesion of cholinergic neuron in rat model with Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) .

  25. 研究还表明,STC的分泌受血钙浓度的调节,并且胆碱能神经参与STC的释放。

    Other studies show that secretion of STC is regulated by calcium concentrations and that the cholinergic nerves are involved in the release of STC .

  26. 结论润坦注射液治疗老年VD患者疗效肯定,且与治疗时间有关,增强VD患者胆碱能神经系统功能可能是其治疗机理之一。

    Conclusions Vinpocetine has definite effect on VD , which may be related to the therapeutic time and the mechanism in improving the function of cholinergic nerve system .

  27. 从源头上补充胆碱能神经递质ACh的合成酶ChAT,应能增强胆碱能神经功能,提高学习记忆能力。

    Thus we suppose that supplementation of exogenous ChAT in the source should improve the function of the cholinergic nerve system and promote the ability of learning and memory in vivo .

  28. 实验中,排除了氯丙嗪通过N或M胆碱能神经受体,或影响DOPA脱羧酶活性而减少DOPA生成的可能性。

    The work ruled out the possibilities of decrease of DOPA synthesis from the effect on N-or M-cholinergic receptor or from the influence on DOPA decarboxylase activity .

  29. 结论:制首乌通过升高ACh水平、改善Ch摄取,提高受损的胆碱能神经功能,来达到脑保护作用。

    Conclution : The prepared P.multiflorum can improve the impaired cholinergic nerve function to exert the effects of brain protection by elevating extracellular Ach level and improving uptake of extracellular Ch.

  30. 背景:阿尔茨海默病(alzheimerdisease,AD)的病理病因虽然还没有完全清楚,但目前认为β-淀粉样肽(amyloidβ-peptide,Aβ)是引起AD的胆碱能神经功能紊乱的主要成分。

    BACKGROUND : Although the pathology and etiology of Alzheimer disease ( AD ) have not been clear completely yet , amyloid β peptide ( A β) is known as the main component induced cholinergic neural functional disturbance in AD.