
dǎn qiè
  • timid;cowardly;intimidated;quail;chicken
胆怯 [dǎn qiè]
  • [timid;cowardly;be afraid of one's own shadow;have a yellow streak in sb.] 胆量小;畏缩;害怕

  1. 这段对话可以有两种不同的解释,这要看X是胆怯的还是进取的。

    This conversation may have two different interpretations according as X is timid or aggressive .

  2. 艾滋病家庭青少年中,有36.9%在其家庭成员感染HIV后与别人交往时心理总是有些胆怯,6.5%的人觉得无脸见人,很是羞涩。

    There were 6.9 % adolescents felt timid in personal communication after their parents being infected HIV , and 6.5 % were bashful .

  3. 她克服了胆怯的毛病,非常坦率地说出了自己的想法。

    She overcame her natural diffidence and spoke with great frankness .

  4. 我们面临的任务令人胆怯。

    The task before us is a daunting one .

  5. “我一定是弄错了。”她胆怯地说。

    ‘ I must have made a mistake , ’ she said lamely .

  6. 她是个瘦削而又胆怯的女孩儿。

    She was a thin , nervous girl .

  7. 他软弱、胆怯、奸诈。

    He was weak , cowardly and treacherous .

  8. 我们努力确保孩子们在上学的第一天不胆怯。

    We try to make sure children don 't feel intimidated on their first day at school .

  9. 事情变得有点沉闷无聊的时候,不要胆怯。

    Don 't be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring

  10. 他小时候既害羞又胆怯,在学校过得并不快乐。

    He was shy and nervous as a boy , and unhappy at school

  11. 他绝不能是虚伪或胆怯之徒。

    He must not be untruthful , or a coward

  12. 还差几步他们却胆怯了,又跑回来了。

    Their courage failed a few steps short and they came running back .

  13. 这些话让我们许多人胆怯了。

    The very words make many of us quail

  14. 这小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯地远离人群。

    The girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd .

  15. 胆怯的影星不敢正对摄影机。

    Shy film stars dodge cameras .

  16. 给我回来,你们这一对胆怯的脓包。

    Come back here , you couple of chicken-livered cowards .

  17. 在向公司介绍自己时,玛丽感到胆怯。

    Mary was shy at her introduction to the company .

  18. 他只是一个胆怯的懦夫。

    He is nothing but a chicken-hearted dastard .

  19. 谦逊并不会导致胆怯

    Self-effacement did not lead to timidity .

  20. 我不能想像,像她这样一个充满活力的年轻女子为什么会嫁给他这样一个胆怯害羞的人。

    I can 't imagine why a dynamic young woman like her is marrying a shrinking violet like him .

  21. 象PIMCO这样自己有大量分析人员的公司可以忽略,回避这3家评级公司的评级,并从他们的胆怯和缺乏常识中获益。

    Firms such as PIMCO with large credit staffs of their own can bypass , anticipate and front run all three , benefiting from their timidity and lack of common sense .

  22. 她一个人回家的恐惧使她异常胆怯。

    Her dread of being home alone made her extremely nervous .

  23. 与这样一位显然是美食家的人一起吃饭,有些令人胆怯。

    It is intimidating to eat with such an obvious foodie .

  24. 你们这些小信的人哪,为什么胆怯呢?

    Ye of little faith ! Why were you so afraid ?

  25. 胆怯可能会使更了解情况的人不敢说出想法。

    Cowardice may stop people who know better from speaking up .

  26. 一下短促的、胆怯的门铃声惊起了她。

    A short , timid ring at the doorbell summoned her .

  27. 在现代社会里,主内的男性也变得越来越胆怯。

    Christian men also have become quite timid in modern times .

  28. 他们讥笑他胆怯[是胆小鬼]。

    They taunted him with cowardice / with being a coward .

  29. 感觉是那么的自卑,那么的胆怯。

    The feeling of inferiority is so , then the timid .

  30. 他在外面犹豫徘徊,因过于胆怯而不敢进去。

    He hovered about outside , too afraid to go in .