
dǎn náng jié shí
  • Gallstone;cholecystolithiasis;gallbladder stone
  1. 结论:有胆囊结石家属史、患者肥胖、胆囊壁增厚及血清胰岛素相对不足等均为促使胆囊结石复发的危险因素,对ESWL的治疗对象应予更严格地挑选。

    Conclusions : Familial history of cholecystolithiasis , obesity , thickening of the gallbladder wall and relative lowering of serum insulin increase the risk of cholecystolithiasis recurrence after ESWL . Candidates for ESWL should be strictly selected .

  2. 微创治疗胆囊结石并胆总管结石86例

    Treatment with Minor Trauma of 86 Cases with Cholecystolithiasis and Choledocholith

  3. CT诊断巨大先天性胆总管囊肿并胆囊结石1例报告

    One Case : CT Diagnosis of Huge Congenital Common Biliary Cyst Complicated with Cholelith

  4. 载脂蛋白E基因多态性和胆囊结石形成关系的研究进展

    Advances in the study on genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein E and cholelithiasis

  5. 胆囊结石患者胆汁需氧菌和厌氧菌DNA检测及意义

    Measurement and its significance of DNA of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in bile in gallstone patients

  6. 载脂蛋白E的基因多态性、异常脂血症和胆囊结石病的关系

    Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphisms , dyslipidemia and cholecystolithiasis

  7. 方法:对18例病人术前按常规行B超或CT检查,证实为胆囊结石合并胆总管结石。

    Methods : 18 patients were diagnosed as cholelithiasis cholecystolithiasis and choledocholith by B ultrasonography and computerized tomography .

  8. H1型调宁蛋白mRNA在胆道中的表达与妊娠豚鼠胆囊结石形成关系的实验研究

    Experimental study on relationship between h_1-Calponin mRNA expression in biliary tract and gallstone formation in pregnant guinea pig

  9. 对32例老年胆囊结石、胆囊息肉患者经腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopiccholecystectomy,LC)进行了总结。

    Abstract Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 32 elderly cases .

  10. 应用SPECT装置对胆囊结石患者胆囊运动功能的研究

    Study of Gallbladder Motor Function in Patients with Gallstones by SPECT Technique

  11. EST联合LC治疗胆囊结石胆总管结石

    EST combined with LC in the treatment of cholecystolithiasis with common bile duct stones

  12. 报道73例梗阻性黄疸和39例单纯胆囊结石(G组)血流动力学变化及转归。

    Hemodynamic changes and their outcome were studied in 73 patients with obstructive jaundice and 39 cases with simple gallbladder stones ( group G ) .

  13. 胆囊结石患者手术前后血清SOD、LPO的变化

    The Changes of Serum SOD and LPO Levels in the Patients with Cholecystolithiasis before and after Operation

  14. 本文结果提示,LC用于治疗伴有各种并发症的复杂性胆囊结石是可行的,同样可以保留和体现出它的优越性。

    The result indicated that LC is feasible on patients with complicated gallstone and its main advantages being retained .

  15. 腹腔镜胆总管探查取石与EST联合LC治疗胆囊结石并发细径胆总管结石的临床研究

    Clinical research on LC-CBDE and EST combined LC treatment on small diameter gallstone and common bile duct stones

  16. 方法:术中取出胆囊结石病人胆囊体相同部位肌层组织,无菌生理盐水反复冲洗后,RT-PCR法检测胆囊组织中VIPRmRNA的表达。

    The expression of VIPR mRNA in gallbladder tissue was subjected to RT PCR assay .

  17. 胆囊结石及胆囊癌病人ABO血型分布的研究

    The study of the distribution of ABO blood groups in patients with gallstone and carcinoma of gallbladder

  18. 29例胆囊结石的平均胆固醇含量为(62.2±3.8)%,PCR结果阳性的2例胆石为胆固醇为主的混合性结石。

    The average cholesterol concentration in gallstones was ( 62.2 ± 3.8 ) % and both gallstones positive for Helicobacter sp. by PCR had more than 50 % cholesterol .

  19. 胆囊结石中95年以前的结石组胆固醇含量480.60±104.40ug/mg,2005年的结石组中胆固醇517.44±32.70ug/mg,两者有显著性差异。

    The content of cholesterol of cholecystolithiasis is 480.60 ± 104.40ug/mg in 1995 , and it 's 517.44 ± 32.70ug/mg in 2005 , there is great difference between the two group .

  20. 胆囊结石与胆囊收缩素受体(CCK-A)和血管活性肠肽(VIP)的关系研究

    On the relationship between gallstones and cholecystokinin-A receptor and vasoactive intestinal poly-peptide

  21. 胆囊结石患者胆囊壁CCK-ARmRNA表达及血浆CCK-8水平与胆囊排空功能的关系

    Relationship between CCK-AR mRNA of gallbladder wall and plasma CCK-8 level and gallbladder emptying function in gallstone patients

  22. 胆囊结石CT检出率为79.41%,MRCP检出率为91.18%,B-FFE检出率为88.24%。

    The detectable rate of cholecystolithiasis were 79.41 % , 91.18 % and 88.24 % in CT , MRCP and B-FFE respectively .

  23. 目的评价术前超声检查对预测胆囊炎伴胆囊结石的患者行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)难易程度的应用价值。

    AIM To evaluate the application of preoperative ultrasonography to the prediction of the difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy ( LC ) in patients of cholecystitis accompanied by gallstone .

  24. 报道20例梗阻性黄疸(A组)和25例单纯胆囊结石(B组)外周血和门静脉血转铁蛋白和铜蓝蛋白代谢变化。

    The serum transferrin ( TF ) and ceruloplasmin ( CP ) of peripheral and portal vein blood were studied in 20 patients with obstructive jaundice ( group A ) and 25 cases of simple gallbladder stones ( group B ) .

  25. 目的探讨妊娠胆囊结石形成过程中h1型调宁蛋白mRNA表达变化对胆道动力学改变的影响,从分子水平上阐明妊娠胆结石形成的机制。

    [ Objective ] To explore effects of the expression of h1-Calponin mRNA on the biliary tract dynamics and investigate the molecular mechanisms of gallstone formation in pregnancy .

  26. 症状性胆囊结石发现NevinⅢ期胆囊癌2例。

    Two cases of Nevin ⅲ were found in the symptomatic group .

  27. 结果胆囊结石患病率为7.93%,胆囊结石组中女性患病率13.57%,高于男性3.83%(P0.05);

    Results The morbidity rate of cholecystolithiasis was 7.93 % , the morbidity rate of the females with cholecystolithiasis was 13.57 % , which was 3.83 % higher than that of the males ( P0.05 );

  28. 结论巨大胆囊结石LC的难点是由于胆囊长期的慢性炎症、机化所致的胆囊剥离困难以及由此引起的胆囊床的肝组织损伤和胆囊床小胆管损伤。

    Conclusions The difficulties during LC for huge gallstones lie in the thickening of the gallbladder wall that causes injuries of the liver tissue and small bile ducts in the gallbladder bed .

  29. 目的:探讨胆囊结石患者缩胆囊素(CCK)受体基因表达及其与胆囊排空功能的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the expression of CCK receptor of gallbladder wall and the emptying function of the gallbladder in patients with gallstones .

  30. [结果]胆囊结石中胆固醇含量为500.93±76.23ug/mg,胆管结石中胆固醇为315.05±161.93ug/mg,两者有显著性差异;

    [ Result ] The content of cholesterol of cholecystolithiasis is 500.93 ± 76.23 ug / mg , and it 's 315.05 ± 161.93 ug / mg in calculus of bile duct , there is significant difference between the two group .