
dǎn jiǎo tònɡ
  • Biliary colic;cholecystalgia
  1. 胆囊颈部结石是发生胆绞痛的重要原因之一,在胆病急诊中占有十分重要的地位。

    The stone in the neck of gallbladder is one of the important factors contributing to cholecystalgia , which plays a significant role in the emergency cases of cholic diseases .

  2. Oddi括约肌压力测定的并发症:胆绞痛样疼痛与急性胰腺炎

    Complications of sphincter of Oddi manometry : Biliary-like pain versus acute pancreatitis

  3. 方法:穴位注射维生素K4和庆大霉素治疗胆囊炎胆绞痛35例,与常规药物治疗33例作对照观察。

    Methods Acupoint injection of vitamine K 4 and gentamicin was used for treatment of 35 cases of biliary colic complicated by cholecystitis , and routine medicine was used for treatment of 33 cases as control .

  4. 茵陈蒿汤经透皮给药治疗胆绞痛的研究

    Treatment of biliary colic with Yin-Chen-Hau-Tang in plaster by transdermal delivery

  5. 针刺阳陵泉穴缓解胆绞痛的即效性观察

    Puncturing on Yanglingquan Point for Relieving of Colic Pain of Bile Cyst

  6. 俯卧拍背法缓解胆绞痛的临床观察及护理

    ReLief of Biliary Colic by Clap on the Back in a Prone Position

  7. 桂美辛和山莨菪碱治疗胆绞痛的比较

    Comparison between cinmetacin and anisodamine in treating biliary colic

  8. 胆囊结石可无症状,亦可致急性胆囊炎,胆管结石时阻塞部位上方压力增加,可致严重胆绞痛。

    In the gallbladder , stones may cause inflammation or produce no symptoms . A stone obstructing the bile duct causes severe pain ( biliary colic ) .

  9. 临床上多无胆石症特异性症状,仅5.9%(6/102)有胆绞痛发作史。

    Among the patients without cholelithiasis only 5 . 6 % ( 6 / 102 ) had colic attack , others had no specific clinical manifestations due to gallstone .

  10. 本文报告了6例结石性胆囊炎合并冠心病的患者。术前6例均有心绞痛,胆绞痛常诱发心绞痛;

    The paper reports 6 cases of calculous cholecystitis accompanied with coronary heart disease , All of them had angina attacks before cholecystectomy , And angina was often induced by biliary colic .

  11. 4例未行胆囊切除仍有结石存在,术后6个月及术后12个月各有2例出现发作性胆囊炎胆绞痛,其中3例急诊胆囊切除术治愈;

    There was onset of cholecystitis and biliary colic in 4 patients at 6 and 12 months after operation respectively , 3 patients received cholecystectomy in emergency , one patient recovered without operation .

  12. 182例结石复发患者中,94例无症状,80例表现有非特异性上消化道不适症状,8例有上腹痛或胆绞痛,其中38例行胆囊切除术治疗。

    Of 182 cases with recurrence of cholecystolithiasis , 94 remained asymptomatic , 80 stated nonspecific upper gastrointestinal symptoms and 8 had abdominal pain or biliary colic , of which 38 were treated with cholecystectomy .