
dǎn sè sù yuán
  • porphobilinogen
  1. 小麦返白系胆色素原脱氨酶纯化及编码cDNA序列分析

    Purification and Sequence Analysis of cDNA Coding Region for Porphobilinogen Deaminase from a Stage Albinism Line of Wheat

  2. 小麦胆色素原脱氨酶的联合酶活法测定小麦胆色素原脱氨酶的电泳性质分析

    The Characteristic Assay by Electrophoresis of Porphobilinogen Deaminase from Wheat

  3. 胃黏膜胆色素染色对原发性病理性十二指肠胃反流的诊断价值

    Study of porphobilin staining of gastric mucosa on diagnosis of primary pathological duodenogastric reflux