- 名choleric temperament

As for temperament , the sanguine temperament , phlegmatic temperament and choleric temperament are positively related to resilience . All the three kind have a positive prediction towards resilience . The melancholic temperament indicates negative prediction to resiliency .
The results showed that the phlegmatic temperament was faster than the choleric temperament in the crossing-out speed ;
The points of each SCL-90 elements in patients group with choleric temperament and depressive temperament were higher than that in patients group with sanguine and mucous temperaments .
Result SCL-90 showed that there was significant difference between choleric temperament , melancholic temperament and sanguine temperament , phlegmatic temperament at usual and during live ammunition training limes .
The scores of SAS and SDS among different temperament trait armymen had significant difference ; the sequence of the scores from higher to lower were melancholic , choleric , medium , phlegmatic and sanguine temperaments ;
Sanguine , choleric and blood-choleric temperament types is conducive to learning .
Present prominent relevant relations with the type score of choleric temperament . 4 .
But whether he or she is an only child , there are remarkable differences .
The insomnia patients often manifest neurotic choleric , pessimism , depressant and anxiety , unsteady mood .
Through the control test in two group , Hans-race'choleric temperament and phlegmatic temperament is higher Uighers ' .
The sufferer qualities type of CHD is with the gall quality and many blood quality much see .
With marital quality as covariate , mental state of fighter planer and pilots with depressive temperament and bilious temperament were worse .
We may know that , due to temperament , a choleric teacher may be energetic , but also quick-tempered and easily angered .
A bilious philosopher 's opinion of the world can only is accept with a pinch of salt , of epsom salt by preference .
The choleric temperament & let us imagine that , before the change of teeth , a child is exposed to a choleric temperament .
Dissimilarity certificate the personality type of the type distribute comparison , still with extrovert unsteady sex ( gall quality ) personality characteristics . 3 .
The psychological process and aesthetic principles for creating the landscape paintings determine that those of choleric temperament and lymphatic temperament are more suitable for creating the landscape paintings .
Spirit Yin two falsely set sufferer obvious of suppress Yu , on the qualities type , the phlegm set qualities type with many blood quality and gall quality is lord .
It sometimes happens that , at forty or fifty years of age , circulatory disorders of the rhythmic system appear as a direct result of a teacher 's unrestrained choleric temperament .
The results showed : 1.The correlations between learning achievement and emotional feature as well as introversion or extroversion are significant . Sanguine , sanguine-phlegmatic and sanguine-choleric temperaments are favorable for learning .
His temperament was congential , its type a mixed one including the choler one and the polycythemia one , the type of his high nerve actions the strong and inequality one .
The phlegm set more other two sets of obvious introverted and the motion unsteady , on the debility phlegm muddy qualities type , the phlegm set qualities type with many blood quality , gall quality .
In this research , we administered questionnaires to 226 college students and middle school students and studied the relation between the type of temperament and learning achievement . We found that the temperament types of bile and depression were related to learning disabilities in every school phase .
Clinical values of serum total bile acids ( TBA ), HA and P ⅲ P levels in diagnosis of patients with hepatitis c