
  • 网络Mount Merapi;Merapi volcano
  1. 附近的默拉皮火山越来越活跃,威胁使局势更加严重。

    Increased activity at the nearby volcano , Mount Merapi , threatens to worsen the situation .

  2. 默拉皮火山是印尼最活跃的火山,它位于这个国家最密集的地区。

    Mount Merapi is one of most active volcanoes in Indonesia and it 's located in one of the country 's most populated areas .

  3. 大家以前可能听我们说过默拉皮火山。

    Mount Merapi : You 've heard us mention that before .

  4. 默拉皮火山是印尼129座活火山之一,经常爆发。

    Mount Merapi , one of Indonesia 's 129 active volcanoes , has regularly erupted .

  5. 周二数千人被迫离开,因为默拉皮火山爆发至少三次。

    That 's way thousands of people had to leave on Tuesday because Merapi erupted at least three times .

  6. 周二,默拉皮火山喷发了至少三次,数千人被迫逃离。

    That 's why thousands of people had to leave on Tuesday , because Merapi erupted at least three times !

  7. 默拉皮火山附近正在实施疏散。在该地区,熔岩和火山灰迫使数千村民逃命。

    And an evacuation is in effect near Mount Marrabi , where lava and ash have sent thousands of villagers on the run .

  8. 默拉皮火山于2010年10至11月接连喷发,造成353人死亡,约35万人被迫疏散。

    A total of 353 people were killed and about 350000 others were forced to evacuate during its eruption from October to November in 2010 .

  9. 默拉皮火山是印度尼西亚最活跃的火山之一,该火山在周二早些时候爆发,喷出高达6千米的火山灰柱。

    One of the most active volcanos in Indonesia , Mount Merapi , erupted earlier Tuesday , spewing a column of thick ash by up to six kilometers high .

  10. 轰鸣数周的默拉皮火山喷发出滚滚浓烟,火山灰以及岩浆,火山方圆5英里内居住着1.4万人。

    Thick grey smoke , ash and lava continue to spew from the volcano which has been rumbling for weeks , 14,000 people live within five miles of the volcano .

  11. 由于默拉皮火山喷发造成的火山灰层迫使官员们将访问缩短了接近两个小时,这样的话空军一号就可以在空中运输受到干扰之前起飞。

    Mount Merapi , and its volcanic ash cloud , has forced officials to cut his brief trip by nearly two hours , so Air Force One can take off before air traffic is disrupted .

  12. “官员预测说,如果它喷发,岩浆将流到南边。”默拉皮火山所在的爪哇岛上的斯拉门区的负责人斯里·普尔诺摩说。

    " Officials have predicted that if it erupts , magma would flow to the southern side ," said Sri Purnomo , the head of Sleman district on Java island , where Mount Merapi is located .