
mò jì
  • Memorization;make a mental note;commit to memory
默记 [mò jì]
  • [remember to oneself] 心中暗记

  • 默记经文

  1. 他默记了莎士比亚的许多文句。

    He knows many passages from Shakespeare by heart .

  2. 并且通过查表的方式进行使用,而默记法就是一种特例。

    And relying on something called table lookup , Of which memoization is a special case .

  3. 财宝埋好后,三个人都仔细地把周围的地形默记心里,然后离去。

    When the treasure was buried , all three men carefully memorized the surrounding landmarks and departed .

  4. 这就使得我要是,用我上次提过的一种技术,也就是默记法。

    That will lead me to use a technique I mentioned again last time , called memoization .

  5. 他又从上衣口袋里掏出那张手绘的地图,默记。

    Once more , he tugged the hand-drawn map out of his coat pocket and committed it to memory .

  6. 镜子上贴着几张发音和定义的单子,刮胡子、穿衣服。或是梳头时都可以默记。

    On the looking-glass were lists of definitions and pronunciations ; when shaving , or dressing , or combing his hair , he conned these lists over .