
  • 网络Namur
  1. 她沿着老的e40公路急速驶离布鲁塞尔,向那慕尔开去。

    She was speeding out of Brussels along the old E40 highway towards namur .

  2. 有报道称,飞机在那慕尔市机场起飞不久后便坠毁。

    Reports say the plane crashed minutes after taking off from an airport near Namur .

  3. 米兰达城堡建于1886年,位于比利时那慕尔附近,为当时从断头台上逃过一死的法国贵族所建。

    Miranda Castle was built in 1886 , near Namur , Belgium , by French Aristocrats who had escaped their death via the guillotine .