
zhí chén
  • state outright;speak frankly
直陈 [zhí chén]
  • [to present straight] 径直陈说

  • 直陈时弊

  1. 几年前,在一个风云人物汇集的私人会议上,一位CEO直陈美国富人和中产阶级长期以来的财富分歧倾向。

    At a private meeting of movers and shakers a few years ago , a CEO presented the facts on the long-term diverging fortunes of the wealthy and the middle class in the U.

  2. 语言哲学视野中的隐喻直陈性及相似性

    Metaphorical Straightforwardness and Similarity from the Perspective of Linguistic Philosophy

  3. 英国小报《太阳报》直陈其“把整个国家都搞砸了”。

    The Sun , a tabloid , said he had " screwed the nation . "

  4. 本文尝试从语义和语用角度对现在时独立句的直陈语气进行阐述。

    The paper illustrates the present indicative of independent clause from semantic and pragmatic point of view .

  5. 理性与非理性是其精神情感特征,而直陈与变形,是谐谑散曲主要的表现手法。

    Rationality vs irrationality is the spiritual and emotional features with its main expressive skills being direct statement and change .

  6. 我父亲对经理说,这个计划是个骗局:父亲总是敢于直陈已见。

    My father told the manager that scheme was a swindle : Father has always had the courage of his opinions .

  7. 委婉语的弱化机制就是通过使用委婉语,将直陈语给人带来的心理上的痛苦、厌恶、不适等的强度减弱。

    The attenuating mechanism of euphemism is to use euphemism to attenuate the pain , antipathy , discomfort brought about by blunt expressions .

  8. 还指出了在直陈式和假设式中谓词性并列结构的两种不同的否定形式,并简略地比较了汉语和英语在并列结构的否定表达方面的异同。

    Then , it shows the difference between two negative expressions of coordinate construction , and compares chinese expressions with those of English .

  9. 孟子以强烈的责任感活动于诸侯各国,他敢于直陈为政者的过失,要求为政者积极履行相关责任。

    Mencius who had a strong sense of responsibility acting in Vassal states dare to tell the fault of the rulers directly and require them performing duties actively .

  10. 身体的发现与直陈成为现代作家叙事的一个突破,身体的能量在文学中也得到较为充分的释放。

    The discovering of human bodies and the straightforward statement became a breakthrough of the modern writers ' narration . The power of human bodies released fully in literature .

  11. 与劳动不同的是,对于休闲问题,马克思是以两套话语系统来表达的,一套是常规的直陈,另一套是若明若暗的隐喻。

    In contrast with labor , there are two system words in Marx 's ideas of leisure : for one thing is to present straight , for another thing is a potential metaphor .

  12. 反讽由三个要素构成,即作者在小说中的非直陈式修辞性介入、两极对立因素的相互对比及轻松自信的超脱感和距离感。

    Irony consists of three elements , namely the author 's non narrative rhetorical insertion in his / her novel , contrast of opposing extremes as well as relaxed , confident sense of detachment and distance .

  13. 呼吁信函上周送达校方董事会,直陈2004年一位名叫丹·马尔金森的神经病患者在临床试验中自杀一事。

    The call , made in a letter sent last week to the university 's board of regents , centres on a2004 clinical trial in which Dan Markingson , a mentally ill man , committed suicide .

  14. 第二章,论述西方哲学史上人的问题的历史演绎及诸多哲学流派以直陈或隐喻的形式,对人的本体论存在及生活世界的分裂的还原论思维。

    Chapter II elaborates on the historical deduction of the issue of man in Western history of philosophy and the various philosophical schools as well as the restoration thinking of the separation of the ontological existence and the life-world of man .

  15. 第三章通过细致观察又提出六个模式即提问回答型、经验号召型、经验评价型、声明陈述型、模拟对话型和直陈清单型模式;

    Chapter III presents through further observation several other textual patterns which function in advertisements , i.e. the Question-Answer pattern , the Experience-Call to Action pattern , the Experience-Evaluation pattern , the Announcement-Statement pattern , the Simulated Dialogue pattern and Straight-Line Copy List .

  16. 在此基础上,笔者通过进一步的语料观察提出了其他几个模式(提问回答型、经验号召型、经验评价型、声明陈述型、模拟对话型和直陈清单型)。

    In the meanwhile , several other patterns ( the Question-Answer pattern , the Experience-Call to Action pattern , the Experience-Evaluation pattern , the Announcement-Statement pattern , the Simulated Dialogue pattern , and Straight-Line Copy List ) are also contributed through the author 's further observation .