
  • 网络ASWAN
  1. 你可以乘船从开罗游览到阿斯旺,也可以从阿斯旺游览到开罗。

    You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa .

  2. 阿斯旺水坝有助于控制埃及的尼罗河。

    The Aswan Dam helps to control the river Nile in egypt .

  3. C高;阿斯旺高坝的生态环境问题

    On the ecological and environmental impacts of Aswan High Dam

  4. 如果埃及所有的谷物都由自己种植,所需水量将占阿斯旺(Aswan)大坝水库蓄水量的六分之一。

    If Egypt grew all its own cereals , it would require one-sixth of the water in the Aswan dam reservoir .

  5. 现在是全世界吸取阿斯旺大坝教训的时候了。

    It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan .

  6. 阿斯旺水坝通常是尼罗河之旅的起点。

    Aswan is the starting point for the journey along the Nile .

  7. 阿斯旺大坝的建筑工作从20世纪六十年代开始。

    Work began on the Aswan Dam in nineteen sixty .

  8. 阿斯旺大坝的泥沙效应及启示

    Sediment response and enlightenment from the Aswan High Dam

  9. 美国和俄国都有可能为修建阿斯旺大坝提供资金。

    America and Russia were both possible financiers of the Aswan High dam .

  10. 老的阿斯旺坝是一个拦河闸。

    The old Aswan dam was a barrage .

  11. 埃及旅游胜地阿斯旺

    Aswan , the famous scenic spot in Egypt

  12. 这次旅行包括卢克索和阿斯旺。

    The tour takes in Luxor and aswan .

  13. 埃及由于建造了阿斯旺大坝而巩固了其在阿拉伯世界的领导地位。

    Egypt 's leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam .

  14. 阿斯旺第一水电站现代化改造

    Modernization of Aswan 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant

  15. 阿斯旺的南面,靠近苏丹,连接着阿布辛贝综合庙宇。

    South of Aswan , near Sudan , lies the temple complex of Abu Simbel .

  16. 埃及的尼罗河畔的一座古城;阿斯旺水坝所在地。

    An ancient city on the Nile in Egypt ; site of the Aswan High Dam .

  17. 阿斯旺大坝修建已经30多年了。

    The Aswan High Dam has been built for more than 30 years and causes worldwide disputes .

  18. 阿斯旺是埃及阳光最充足的南部城市和古老的边境城镇,具有非洲的气候特征。

    Aswan , egypt 's sunniest southern city and ancient frontier town , has a distinctively African atmosphere .

  19. 在探索迷宫的更深处时,福斯特发现了20个用阿斯旺花岗岩精细切割的盒子。

    While exploring deeper into the mazes beneath the pyramids , Foerster discovered 20 boxes cut with precision from Aswan granite .

  20. 结合我国大型水利工程建设,阐述阿斯旺大坝给我们的启示。

    Comparing with the large projects in China , the enlightenment given by the Aswan High Dam is illustrated by the authors .

  21. 尼罗河流经阿斯旺的那段水域风光迷人,而且这座城市里还有一座绝妙的博物馆,一个极好的市场,很多令人兴奋不已的古董文物。

    The Nile is gorgeous in Aswan , and the city is home to a wonderful museum , market and breathtaking antiquities .

  22. 认为阿斯旺工程是一个成功的工程,它对埃及发挥的巨大影响和积极作用是有目共睹的。

    The author considered the Aswan High Dam project as a successful project which has played an important and positive role in Egypt .

  23. 这个星期在阿斯旺的努比亚博物馆里,专家们参加了项目的庆祝宣传活动。

    Experts who worked on the salvage projects are celebrating the anniversary of the campaign with events at the Museum in Aswan this week .

  24. 在乘小帆船出行的第一天,随着阿斯旺市离我们越来越远,我们首先发现的便是寂静。

    As we watched the city of Aswan drift away on our first day out , the first thing we noticed was the silence .

  25. 美国前国务卿约翰·杜勒斯飞往埃及举行阿斯旺水坝问题的谈判时就是这样。

    So was John Foster Dulles , the American Secretary of Stale , when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam .

  26. 美国国务卿约翰·福斯·特杜勒斯飞往埃及进行关于阿斯旺大坝的谈判时也是这样。

    So was John Foster Dulles , the American Secretary of State , when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam .

  27. 当人们聚集在一起为新的发展而铺设基石,努比亚儿童歌颂阿斯旺的美丽的时,卜杜勒法塔赫先生开心的笑了。

    At a gathering to lay the cornerstone for the new development , Abdul Fattah smiled broadly as Nubian children sang of the beauty of Aswan .

  28. 阿斯旺留存了民间艺术中的独特传统,也不断进化成一个汇聚了精致手工艺品、艺术教育、创意交流和公民参与的现代中心。

    The city has preserved a unique heritage in folk art while evolving into a contemporary hub of exquisite craftwork , arts education , creative exchange and civil engagement .

  29. 我们首先看到的是喧嚣繁忙的阿斯旺市区,一排排大型游船停泊在岸边,戴着太阳帽的游客们早早地就在河畔餐馆享用午餐了。

    First we watched the bustle of downtown Aswan , where giant cruise ships lined the banks , and tourists in sun hats enjoyed early lunches at riverside restaurants .

  30. 在80年代后期,埃及政府对已运行30多年的阿斯旺第一水电站进行大量的现代化改造。

    In the late 1980 's the Egyptian government decided on a radical modernization of the Aswan 1 hydroelectric power plant , which had been in operation for more than 30 years at that time .