
  • 网络united arab republic;UAR;U.A.R.
  1. 阿拉伯联合共和国成立于1958年分裂于1961年。

    The United Arab Republic ( UAR ) rose in1958 , fell in1961 .

  2. 最终叙利亚与埃及合并,成立了阿拉伯联合共和国。

    Eventually , Syria and Egypt established the " United Arab Republic " .

  3. 它们试图促使英国对阿拉伯联合共和国施加压力。

    They tried to get Britain to bring pressure to bear on the U. A. R.

  4. 埃及和叙利亚曾受到阿拉伯联合共和国,及家庭、文化和逊尼派宗教关系束缚。

    Egypt and Syria were once bound in the United Arab Republic , and family , cultural and Sunni religious ties run deep .

  5. 在第二章,从复兴党的四次联合实践(即阿拉伯联合共和国、三方会谈和两次叙伊联合)分析复兴党的泛阿拉伯主义理论。

    In Chapter Two , the author analyzes the pan-arabism of Ba'th Party from the point of view of the four times unities of Ba'th Party which are Arab United republic , The Tripartite Unity Talks and the two unities of Syria and Iraq .