
  • 网络copt;Coptic
  1. 科普特人的、科普特教会的、科普特语的、科普特艺术或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to the Copts or their church or language or art .

  2. 他呼吁要保护少数派科普特人,并强调有必要在11月按计划进行选举。

    He called for minority Copts to be protected and stressed the need for elections to go ahead as planned in November .

  3. 埃塞俄比亚这个国家最让人神往的便是它无数的历史古迹,方尖石塔,阿克苏姆(Axum)石碑,教堂,塔纳湖岛Tigre的科普特人修道院,以及拉利贝拉(Lalibela)的非洲耶路撒冷的岩石教堂。

    Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites , the obelisks and stele of Axum , the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre , in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela : the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches .

  4. 以及受到成千上万穆斯林祝福的科普特人婚礼。

    Coptic wedding cheered by thousands of Muslims .

  5. 欧麦尔毫不迟疑地召回阿穆尔和他的儿子,并命令科普特人在众人面前殴打阿穆尔的儿子,作为他殴打科普特人的回报。

    Without delay , 'Umar summoned'Amrand his son and ordered the Copt to beat'Amr'sson before people in retaliation for what he had done to him .

  6. 然后,欧麦尔又让这个科普特人殴打阿穆尔(父亲),因为他的儿子是依靠了父亲的权威才殴打这个科普特人的。

    Then'Umar ordered the man to beat'Amr ( the father ) as well , because'Amr'sson hit the Copt only by virtue of his father 's authority .