
  • 网络luxor;LUXOR HOTEL;Louxor
  1. 首席考古学家札希·哈瓦斯在一份声明中称,他们在卢克索西岸的沙滩下发现了这座名为“太阳神崛起”的城市。

    The city , named " The Rise of Aten , " was discovered under the sand on the western bank of Luxor , lead archaeologist Zahi Hawass said in a statement .

  2. 目前状况:1999年,亚特兰大的迈克尔·卡洛斯博物馆得到了这一木乃伊,通过碳定年和CT扫描确定这具木乃伊产生于拉美西斯一世时期。基于这一证实,他们将木乃伊归还给了埃及,木乃伊现在被存放于卢克索博物馆。

    Current Status : In 1999 , Atlanta 's Michael Carlos Museum received the mummy and used carbon dating and CT scans to place the mummy to the era of Ramses I. Upon confirmation , they offered to return the body to Egypt , where it is now housed at the Luxor Museum .

  3. 从我们的旅馆可以眺望卢克索神殿和尼罗河。

    Our hotel overlooked the temple of Luxor and the river .

  4. 当地政府已下令停止卢克索附近所有的热气球活动。

    Local authorities have suspended all hot air balloon flights near Luxor .

  5. 这次旅行包括卢克索和阿斯旺。

    The tour takes in Luxor and aswan .

  6. 从尼罗河的观赏平台再往下走,便是卢克索,一个充满古纪念建筑的城镇。

    Farther down the Nile sits Luxor , a town filled with ancient monuments .

  7. 卢克索是有点当你起步之处。

    Luxor is kinda where you start from .

  8. 联合国教科文组织于1979年将卢克索指定为世界遗产。

    The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO designated it a World Heritage site in 1979 .

  9. 从一个叫卢克索的地方。

    At a place called Luxor .

  10. 集团旅客埃及可以采取所有这一切,然后前往卢克索。

    Group travellers to Egypt can take all this in , and then go on to Luxor .

  11. 埃及卢克索的帝王谷里,霞光流连在拉美西斯三世的陵墓上。

    Twilight lingers over the tomb of Ramses III in the Valley of Kings in Luxor , Egypt .

  12. 该邮轮提供过夜的一些埃及的最著名等领域开罗和卢克索。

    The cruises offer overnight stays in some of Egypt 's most famous areas like Cairo and Luxor .

  13. 一个热气球在埃及城市卢克索附近坠毁,造成乘气球的19名游客死亡。

    A hot air balloon has crashed near the Egyptian city of Luxor , killing 19 tourists on board .

  14. 曾近一位中国少年被拍到在埃及卢克索的古神庙刻字。

    In one incident , a young Chinese man was photographed writing graffiti on an ancient Egyptian temple in Luxor .

  15. 从卢克索走过尼罗河,紧接着是帝王峡谷,这是很多法老王最后归宿的地方。

    Across the river from Luxor lies the Valley of the Kings , the final resting place of many pharaohs .

  16. 我们已经完成了美国国际开发署资助的卡纳克神庙和卢克索神庙排水项目,其他许多地方的工作也在进行之中。

    We have completed a USAID-funded effort to de-water Karnak and Luxor temples , and work is underway in many other places .

  17. 基于这一证实,他们将木乃伊归还给了埃及,木乃伊现在被存放于卢克索博物馆。

    Upon confirmation , they offered to return the body to Egypt , where it is now housed at the Luxor Museum .

  18. 爆炸发生于埃及古城卢克索郊区,共造成19人死亡。

    The crash has taken place on the outskirts of the ancient city of Luxor , killing a total of 19 people .

  19. 现在我们见到的是位于卢克索附近的村庄。其标志性房屋是用泥和稻草砌成的。

    What we are seeing is the village near luxor , which is characterized by the typical houses built with mud and straw .

  20. 大约公元前524年,冈比西斯二世命令5万士兵进驻埃及的底比斯城古城(现在的卢克索)的沙漠地区。

    Around 524 B.C. , the king ordered 50,000 men into the Egyptian desert around the ancient city of Thebes ( now Luxor ) .

  21. 这一发现距离一世神庙400米远,一世神庙是新王国时期横穿尼罗河(现在的卢克索)的纪念物。

    The discovery was made 400 metres away from the temple of Seti I , a New Kingdom period memorial across the Nile from present day Luxor .

  22. 在埃及南部的一座城市卢克索,姚明大笑的表情经常被用作当地交通指示牌,提醒人们前方是单行道。

    In Luxor , a city in southern Egypt , Yao 's smiling emoji has emerged frequently in local traffic signs to remind people the road ahead is one-way .

  23. 在卢克索的幻想表演中,表演者们将这些所有的幻想内容整合到了一部90分钟的表演中。表演中有一名出色的歌手,也有一位滑稽的模仿喜剧演员。

    Well , at Fantasy at the Luxor they have combined all those fantasies you have ever thought of into a90-minute show complete with a gorgeous singer and a hilarious comedic impressionist .

  24. 保护自己的偏见、本能和观点时,每个人的借口都很多&古埃及谚语,来自卢克索和卡纳克神庙和坟墓。

    Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices , his instincts , and his opinions . & Ancient Egyptian Proverb , from the temples and tombs of Luxor and Karnak .

  25. 整个考古小组的领导者,考古学家萨鲁齐安说道,阿孟霍特普王陵位于尼罗河沿岸的卢克索地区,这一头部雕像就是该王陵发掘出的84坐雕像之一。

    Hourig Sourouzian , who headed the team of archaeologists , said the statue head was one of84 artefacts unearthed at Amenhotep 's funerary temple on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor .

  26. 一月二十七日清晨,长河日出,凯尔奈克以及卢克索的古庙遗,如梦如幻,出现在久经战斗麻木不仁的法国军队之前。

    On the morning of27 January , as the sun rose over the river , the magnificent ruined temples of Karnak and Luxor were revealed as if in a dream to the battle-hardened French troops .

  27. 之前也发生过多起凶残的袭击,例如1997年的埃及卢克索屠杀、2002年巴厘岛夜总会爆炸案以及2008年孟买酒店、火车站及犹太人中心遭到的血腥袭击。

    There have been murderous assaults before , such as the 1997 Luxor killings , the 2002 Bali nightclub bombing and the 2008 attacks on hotels , a railway station and a Jewish centre in Mumbai .

  28. 一名28岁的埃及服务生被宣布死亡后,竟在自己的葬礼上起死回生,丧礼变成了庆祝会。据美联社报道,埃及南部卢克索省纳贾-希曼村村民哈姆迪-哈菲兹-努比工作时突发心脏病,医生随后宣布他死亡。

    The funeral of a 28 year-old waiter in Egypt turned into a celebration when he woke up after being declared dead , AP reported . Hospital officials had pronounced dead Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi , who came from the village of Naga al-Simman in the southern province of Luxor , after he suffered a heart attack while working .