
  • 网络directly related to
  1. 观察到甲醇转化的产物分布与催化剂表面结构OH基(3608cm~(-1))附近的吸收峰强度,B酸中心的数目及其强度有直接关联。

    It was observed that the product distribu-tion in methanol conversion is directly related to the intensity of OH ad-sorption at 3608cm ~ ( - 1 ), the amount of B acid sites and their strength .

  2. 在本文中,我们将会集中讨论那些与新系统的产品环境直接关联的NFRs,以及与系列进程相联系的NFRs,以支持其运营。

    In this article , we concentrate on those NFRs that are directly related to the production environment of the new system and to the set of processes that support its operations .

  3. AL中骨髓细胞自发性凋亡水平的高低与预后无直接关联;

    There is no direct correlation between bone marrow cell spontaneous apoptosis and prognosis .

  4. 虽然与WSDL部分没有直接关联,但是源自其服务接口部分。

    Does not have a direct association with a section of the WSDL , but is derived from its service interface section .

  5. 然而,我发现在绝大多数出版物中,SOA治理都直接关联政策加强或管理。

    Nonetheless , I have found that in absolute majority of publications about SOA Governance it is directly associated with policy enforcement or with a straightforward management .

  6. 第一种被称为“由WSDL开始(start-from-WSDL)”,或是“契约优先(contractfirst)”,牵涉构建一个WSDL服务描述,并直接关联用于数据交换的XML模式。

    This first is called " start-from-WSDL ", or " contract first ", and involves building a WSDL service description and associated XML schema for data exchange directly .

  7. 非洲集团还认为,该提案与其提出的关于信息通信技术(ict)的提案有直接关联。

    The African Group also felt , that the proposal had a direct bearing or relation to the proposal the group submitted on the information and communication technology , ict .

  8. 这个方法可以奏效,并且可用于测试,但是对于生产应用来说,最好通过将WS-SecurityPolicy内嵌到WSDL文档将其直接关联到服务定义。

    This approach works and can be useful in testing , but for production use WS-SecurityPolicy is best associated directly with a service definition by being embedded within a WSDL document .

  9. 1998年7月20~23日(简称98.7)发生在武汉周边地区的特大暴雨过程与沿低涡切变线相继生成和强烈发展的MαCS及MβCS直接关联。

    During the period of 20 ~ 23 July 1998 (" 98.7 " ), an extraordinary heavy rainstorm event occurred in Wuhan surrounding which was direct relationship with the successive generating and intensive developing M α CSand M β CS .

  10. 如果一个BOM元素与某个XOM元素直接关联,不需要转换,那么在相关联的BOM和XOM元素之间就不需要显式的映射。

    When a BOM element is directly associated with a single specific XOM element with no transformation required , no explicit mapping between the associated BOM and XOM elements is required .

  11. 目前不能是FCO、英国使馆文化教育处以及志奋领奖学金计划的任何合作伙伴或直接关联组织的员工或员工直系家属。

    Not be a current employee or direct family of an employee of the FCO , British council , any joint partner of the Chevening scheme , or directly related organizations .

  12. 分析表明这种油管外表面腐蚀的特点如下:天然气酸化作业后的残酸(盐酸)、气田水中的氯离子Cl~-、HCO3~-均表现出了对油套环空的腐蚀没有直接关联作用。

    The analyses show the characteristic of outside surface corrosion of tube that remain of HC1 in acid treat and Cl ~ - 、 HCO_3 ~ - in gas fields water are not directly relative .

  13. 直升飞机类似欧洲直升机法国公司的海军型AS565“美洲豹”,少量也被PLA海军操作,但是二种直升飞机没有直接关联性。

    The helicopter resembles the naval variant of the French Eurocopter AS565 Panther , of which a small number is also operational with the PLA Navy , but the two helicopters have no direct link .

  14. 双向嵌套的细网格模拟结果揭示,武汉周边地区的特大暴雨与700hPa上一个β中尺度低涡的生成和强烈发展直接关联。

    The simulated results using two-way interactive fine grid reveal that . the extraordinarily heavy rainfall in the Wuhan periphery was in direct relationship with the genesis and intensive development of a meso - β scale low vortex at 700 hPa ;

  15. 应用尼莫地平的治疗剂量大小与预后无直接关联。

    The prognosis was not directly related at nimodipine dose size .

  16. 这个扩展的描述符可以几乎直接关联属性和操作。

    My extended descriptor can map the attribute and operations almost directly .

  17. 材料细观结构与构件宏观响应间直接关联分析

    Related analysis between mesostructure of material and macroscopic response of structural member

  18. 然而,摄入的卡路里量是与消耗的能量直接关联的。

    However , the calorie intake is directly linked to the energy expenditure .

  19. 这些元素被直接关联到一个调度中。

    These elements are associated directly with a schedule .

  20. 事实上,只有那些与理解语篇有直接关联的图式被激活。

    Actually , only those which are directly related to the discourse are activated .

  21. 不是。发行商网站认证和发行商产品认证没有直接关联。

    No , Vendor Site Certification and Vendor Product Certification may be mutually exclusive .

  22. 语气副词是表达语气的语法成分,也常常跟语用因素直接关联。

    Modal adverbs are special grammatical constituents , and are always associated with pragmatic factors .

  23. 是有正确和错误答案的,以及道德是和事实有直接关联的

    to questions of human flourishing , and morality relates to that domain of facts .

  24. 测定了17个产业部门的关联程度,包括直接关联和间接关联,前向关联和后项关联。

    I measure the intersectoral linkages of 17 sectors , including direct linkages and indirect linkages .

  25. 语言准确度和复杂度之间没有直接关联,任务难度的影响超过了它们之间的交互效应。

    There is no direct relationship between accuracy and complexity as the influence of task difficulty is overwhelming .

  26. 屠宰场和工业化农场的经济上的成功和出售皮革有着直接关联。

    The economic success of slaughterhouses and factory farms is directly linked to the sale of leather goods .

  27. 可是,在许多创造中,有少数几个原来就与复函数本身直接关联着的却要在这里先提一下。

    However a few of the many creations that bear primarily on complex functions themselves will be noted here .

  28. 这个想法与我们所学的成熟行业中获得成功的破坏性创新案例有直接关联。

    That concept ties directly [ to ] what we learnt about examples of successful disruption in established industries .

  29. 经过文献检索,目前国内外尚未发现与本课题具有直接关联性的研究。

    It have not been found directly associated with the subject of research through literature search at home and abroad .

  30. 此研究是支持妊娠期体重增加和妊娠期糖尿病发生风险之间存在直接关联的最早的研究之一。

    This study is among the first to support a direct link between pregnancy weight gain and gestational diabetes risk .