
ɡǎn tàn hào
  • exclamation point;exclamation mark
感叹号 [gǎn tàn hào]
  • [exclamation point;exclamation mark] 在书写和印刷中使用的符号!,放在感叹句或祈使句之后,以表达强烈的感情--亦称惊叹号

  1. 感叹号的用法与shell命令中的pipe()一样。

    The exclamation mark is used the same way as a pipe in shell commands .

  2. 退一万步,说它“比《变形金刚4》(Transformers4)强多了”,不算过分,就算再加个感叹号也说不上是多高的赞美。

    Granted , this isn 't a very high bar to clear : " better than ' Transformers 4 " " barely counts as praise , even with an exclamation mark .

  3. 她删掉我华丽的语言,在我的感叹号上画了线,主张在表达上要克制。

    She trimmed back my flowery language , drew lines through my exclamation marks and argued for the value of restraint in expression .

  4. 味这些事情。而有时候即使他们什么也不做(也能有很好的效果)。我认为那封信的题目非常具有启发性,它叫“放慢速度!”——以一个感叹号结尾。

    And even if they sometimes do nothing at all . And that letter is called -- very revealing , I think -- " Slow Down ! " -- with an exclamation36 mark on the end .

  5. 请记住命令中使用的是一个感叹号,而不是一个pipe()符号。

    Yes , that 's an exclamation mark , not a pipe .

  6. 要将句号更改为感叹号,可以按r键,然后按!键。

    To change the period to an exclamation point , press the r key and then press the !

  7. 第一个条件旁边的黄色感叹号标记(如图所示)表明您在IBMHTTPServerSSL启用过程中输入的CommonName与机器的主机名不匹配。

    A yellow exclamation mark next to the first condition ( as shown ), indicates that the common name you entered during IBM HTTP Server SSL enablement does not match the hostname of the machine .

  8. 表达式前面的感叹号用于对elsif表达式求反。

    The exclamation point before the expression negates the elsif expression .

  9. 您可能还注意到db2start命令前的感叹号,这说明该命令不是CLP命令,而是从操作系统提示符发出的系统命令。

    You might have also noticed the exclamation mark in front of the db2start command , which is not a CLP command , but a system command that you issue from an operating system prompt .

  10. 伦斯勒理工学院(RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute)最近主动向一所高中毕业班学生发去一份电子邮件,邀请他们“用‘优选申请’方式申请入学!”(黑体字字母和感叹号是照搬伦斯勒的,不是我添加的。)

    A recent email that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute sent unbidden to one high school senior invited him " to apply with Candidate 's Choice status ! " ( The boldface letters and the exclamation point are Rensselaer 's , not mine . )

  11. 我在SPUFI中DB2UDBforOS/390表的一列里存储了感叹号(!)

    I stored an exclamation mark (!) in a column of one of my DB2 UDB for OS / 390 tables from SPUFI .

  12. 当在方括号外使用时,感叹号匹配它自己。

    When used outside brackets , the exclamation point matches itself .

  13. 跃迁时发出的声音音量下降了,感叹号。

    The volume of the warp sound has been lowered !

  14. 请注意,使用感叹号!来分隔插件参数。

    Note that an exclamation mark ! separates plug-in parameters .

  15. 不要使用感叹号在您的项目的冠军。

    Don 't use exclamation points in your item titles .

  16. 他在句子末尾加上了一个感叹号。

    He added an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence .

  17. 而带有感叹号的方法直接修改调用它们的字符串。

    The exclamation point methods modify the string which invokes the method .

  18. 我的雷雷用七个感叹号来表示非常想我。

    My Ray Ray misses me with seven exclamation points .

  19. 在这封信的结尾她画了一个大大的感叹号。

    She added a big exclamation mark at the end of this letter .

  20. 于是他在上面标注了一个感叹号。

    And he puts an exclamation mark , OK ?

  21. 以感叹号(!)结尾的方法将永久修改字符串。

    A method ending with an exclamation point (!) will modify the string permanently .

  22. 第二次大流行病的到来给这一切画上了一个感叹号。

    The arrival of the second pandemic put an exclamation mark on all that .

  23. 蓝色感叹号表示实现尚未创建。

    The blue exclamation mark indicates that an implementation hasn 't been created yet .

  24. 感叹号或表情符号使用感叹号或表情符号可能在消息中暗示:你在感到不安。

    Using exclamation marks or emojis can suggest you feel insecure in your message .

  25. 有苦说不出。他们不让我在胸牌上加感叹号。

    They wouldn 't let me put an exclamation point on my name tag .

  26. 但是,感叹号却被过度使用了。

    However , exclamation marks were overused .

  27. 我相信,我终究有一天会成为一个竖立的感叹号!

    I am sure I will eventually be erected one day become an exclamation point !

  28. 如果你想给句子加上感叹号,那就加吧。

    If you want to add an exclamation point to that sentence , please be my guest .

  29. 少用感叹号。

    Use exclamation points sparingly .

  30. 研究人员发现,滥用感叹号的情况总共出现了35171次,有些小作者一次用了5个感叹号。

    Researchers found 35171 examples in total , with some young writers using five at a time .