
gǎn rǎn
  • infect;be infected with;infection;influence;infestation;be influenced by;be tinged with;permeate;rub off;contract
感染 [gǎn rǎn]
  • (1) [infestation;infection]∶病原微生物以及寄生虫等侵入机体并生长繁殖引起的病理反应及对机体造成的损害

  • 感染期

  • 轻度感染

  • (2) [infect]∶病原体由传染源通过一定途径侵入另一机体

  • 感染艾滋病病毒

  • (3) [be influenced by;be tinged with]∶通过语言文字或其他形式引起别人相同的思想感情

  • 他们谈话中不时爆发出大声的笑,使邻室的人听了也受感染。--《地质之光》

感染[gǎn rǎn]
  1. 一只蚊子就可以感染很多人。

    A single mosquito can infect a large number of people .

  2. 一种叫作吡啶酮的新型抗艾滋病药物能促使艾滋病毒变异,使其不能繁殖,也不会再感染新的细胞。

    A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells

  3. 父母自己的恐惧有可能在无意中感染了孩子。

    Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children .

  4. 他们是最富感染力的现场表演摇滚乐组合之一。

    They were one of rock 's most impressive live acts .

  5. “我胸部受到了感染。”她呼哧呼哧地说。

    ‘ I have a chest infection , ’ she wheezed .

  6. 白细胞攻击受到感染的细胞。

    The white blood cells attack cells infected with an invader .

  7. 短短几个星期,他的信心感染了全体队员。

    Within weeks , his confidence had spread throughout the team .

  8. 这种病感染了足足30%的人口。

    The disease affects fully 30 per cent of the population .

  9. 用涂药器把药膏抹在感染部位。

    Use the applicator to apply cream to the affected area .

  10. 他感染艾滋病病毒五年以后,患上了完全型艾滋病。

    He developed full-blown AIDS five years after contracting HIV .

  11. 每四小时更换一次敷料,以防感染。

    Dressings are changed four hourly to help prevent infection .

  12. 儿童受到感染的危险性要高得多。

    The risk of infection is appreciably higher among children .

  13. 医生检查伤口是否有感染的迹象。

    The doctor probed the wound for signs of infection .

  14. 受感染的细胞接着转移到身体的其他部位。

    The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body .

  15. 她对音乐的热爱感染了孩子们。

    She infected the children with her enthusiasm for music .

  16. 狗咬的伤口感染了。

    The wound from the dog bite had become infected .

  17. 这些症状也许是由病毒感染引起的,而与寄生虫无关。

    These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites .

  18. 这些药物对感染没有起作用。

    The infection did not respond to the drugs .

  19. 披头士乐队的感染力经久不衰。

    The Beatles have never really lost their appeal .

  20. 传染病的感染途径有几种。

    Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways .

  21. 艾滋病降低了身体的抗感染能力。

    AIDS lowers the body 's resistance to infection .

  22. 把乳膏揉进感染处。

    Rub the cream into the affected areas .

  23. 这种机器将很强的射线对准身体感染部位。

    The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body .

  24. 伤口不干净容易受感染。

    A dirty cut may go septic .

  25. 民众感染这种疾病的概率为60%。

    There is a 60 % probability that the population will be infected with the disease .

  26. 狗咬的伤口会感染。

    Dog bites can get infected .

  27. 他的热情富有感染力。

    His enthusiasm was contagious .

  28. 并不存在儿童受到感染的切实危险。

    There was never any real danger of the children being affected

  29. 对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。

    There is lowered pain tolerance , lowered resistance to infection .

  30. 感冒是上呼吸道的感染。

    A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract .