
gǎn guāng
  • photosensitive;sensitization;sensitive;photoreception;be sensitive to light
感光 [gǎn guāng]
  • (1) [sensitization] [摄]∶照相胶片、相纸等受光的照射而起化学变化

  • (2) [be sensitive to light]∶在可见光范围内对光波的感觉

感光[gǎn guāng]
  1. RAW格式文件是一种从感光元件直接获取的原始数据,其存储的原始数据就是跟光强有关的电荷信息,从中我们可以得到拍摄火焰的辐射能量值。

    RAW data is the original data obtained directly from the sensitization component , which is the electric information related to the light intensity . Therefore the radiation energy can be obtained directly .

  2. 采用CCD感光器件,兼有可见光、微光和夜间近红外照明监控性能的摄像系统是新一代电视监控设备发展的方向。

    A novel camera system with CCD sensitization device , which can work between in day or at night is the development direction of the new generation TV monitoring system .

  3. 宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。

    Polaroid film is very sensitive .

  4. 胶卷或感光片应在日食前装入暗盒。

    The films and plates are put in their holders the night before the eclipse .

  5. 通过利用藻类中首次发现的感光蛋白,一名完全失明男子的部分视力得到了恢复。40年前,这名来自法国布列塔尼的男子被诊断患有视网膜色素变性。

    The man from Brittany in France was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa 40 years ago .

  6. 感光胶片中银含量和卤素比的X射线荧光光谱分析

    Analysis of Silver Content and Halogen Ratio in Photographic Films by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  7. 两种甲壳动物感光器及其感光器中G蛋白的研究

    Studies on the Photoreceptor and the G-protein of the Photoreceptor in the Two Kinds of Crustacean

  8. 感光胶片与CCD的静态分辨力比较

    Comparison of Static Resolving Power of CCD and Photographic Film

  9. CR影像板感光性能与成像次数相关性研究

    The Correlative Studies Between The Sensitive Capability And Imaging Times Of CR IPs

  10. 还采用IR谱对其感光机理进行了初步的研究。

    The mechanism of its photosensitivity was preliminarily studied .

  11. 同位素源X射线荧光分析方法在线测定感光胶片含银量

    On line measuring the silver content in photographic film emulsion by means of radioisotope excited X-ray fluorescence

  12. 遗传性视网膜变性中感光细胞凋亡与Fas和Bcl-2蛋白的表达

    Photoreceptor Apoptosis and Fas , Bcl-2 Expression in Inherited Retinal Degeneration

  13. 2种PS版材感光性能的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Photosensitive Character of Conventional PS Plate

  14. LCD正型光致抗蚀剂感光树脂的研制

    Development of Sensitive Resin on Positive Photoresist of LCD

  15. 利用等离子体技术去除旧PS版表面感光层和油墨

    Removal of photosensitive layer and ink film on used PS plate by plasma treatment

  16. CCD属于感光元件,光敏单元尺寸对成像的影响是极其重要的。

    CCD are light-sensitive components , photosensitive cell size on the impact of imaging is extremely important .

  17. 黑白底片,黑白负片GB/T2923-1995黑白照相负片/加工组合ISO感光度的测定

    Determination of ISO speed of black-and-white pictorial still camera negative film / process systems

  18. RCS大鼠感光细胞凋亡与Bcl-2蛋白表达的关系

    Photoreceptor apoptosis and bcl-2 expression of RCS rats

  19. RCS大鼠视网膜感光细胞的凋亡

    Photoreceptor apoptosis in hereditary degenerative retina of RCS rats

  20. 遗传性视网膜变性rd小鼠及其感光细胞凋亡研究

    Hereditary retinal dystrophy of rd mice and photoreceptors apoptosis

  21. 我国感光材料1994年产量为4310万m22000年将需彩卷1.2亿卷、X光片2100万m2、PS版3200万m2。

    The output of sensitive materials of China in 1994 was 43.1 million square meters .

  22. 用聚乙稀醇(PVA)复合材料感光胶代替虫胶照像工艺探讨

    Using Polyvinyl Alcohol ( PVA ) as a Sensitive Glue Replace the Lac in Photoetching Technics

  23. 后置摄像头现搭载1200万像素的感光元件,支持FocusPixels,并配有更大的光圈,来捕捉栩栩如生的照片。

    The back camera now features a 12 megapixel sensor with Focus Pixels and a larger aperture to capture sharp , vivid photos .

  24. X射线衍射显微照片放射自显影术:将含有放射性同位素的一小薄片生物组织与感光层接触的一项技术。

    X-ray diffraction micrography Autoradiography A technique whereby a tin slice of tissue containing a radioactive isotope is placed in contact with a photographic plate .

  25. CMOS图像传感器是一种把像素感光阵列、放大器和模数转换等模拟功能模块及时序控制电路集成在一起的芯片系统。

    CMOS image sensor is a chip system , which integrated pixel array , amplifiers , ADC and timing controlling circuits .

  26. 论文中提出了一种具有折返传感光路的法拉第镜式光学电流互感器(Faradaymirror-typedopticalcurrenttransformer:FMOCT)方案;

    A project of Faraday mirror-typed optical current transformer ( FMOCT ) with turn-back optical paths is proposed in this paper .

  27. K4[Fe(CN)6]掺杂剂对溴碘化银颗粒乳剂感光性能影响的研究

    The Study of Effects of Dopant K_4 [ Fe ( CN ) _6 ] on The Photographic Properties of The Iodobromide T-grain Emulsion

  28. 在X射线胶片中它能提高乳剂的感光度,同时能提高胶片的稳定性;

    When it is used as chemical sensitizing agent in the X-ray film , the sensitivity of the emulsion is increased and the stability of the film is improved .

  29. 报告了利用等离子化学方法除去旧PS版表面感光层和油墨的原理和实验结果。

    Principles and experimental result of removal of photosensitive layer and ink film on used PS plate by plasma chemical method are reported .

  30. GB/T9045-1988感光材料分辨率的测定ELITE完全综合激光诱导衰减分光计平台,提供不同材料的元素的实时,高分辨率光谱分析。

    The LIBS-ELITE is a fully integrated laser-induced breakdown spectrometer platform that provides real-time , high-resolution spectral analysis of elements in a variety of materials .