
gǎn zhī
  • perception;cognition;make sth.reflected in consciousness through sense organs
感知 [gǎn zhī]
  • [perception] 利用感官对物体获得的有意义的印象

  • [make sth.reflected in consciousness through sense organs] 哲学名词。感觉与知觉的统称。客观事物通过感官在人脑中的直接反应

感知[gǎn zhī]
  1. 这项研究涉及受过良好教育的健康成年人,让他们在实验之初以及之后七年中的某一时刻接受记忆力、推理能力、感知力方面的标准测试。

    The study included healthy , educated adults who took standard tests of memory , reasoning and perception at the outset and at some point over the next seven years .

  2. 作者把教育描述为一种“感知、分析与发现”的过程

    The writer describes eduction as a process of \\ " perception , analysis and discovery \\ " .

  3. 一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。

    Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others .

  4. 理性是一种记忆功能,将感知组织成可理解的模式。

    Reason , which is a function of memory , organizes perceptions into comprehensible patterns .

  5. 房间里虽然没有人说话,但她可以感知到不友好的气氛。

    Not a word was spoken , but she could feel the hostility in the room .

  6. 同时,提供维修服务有助于提高消费者对其产品的质量感知。

    At the same time , offering repair supports the perceived quality of its products .

  7. 现在一些专家提出,我们应该利用青少年的大脑对朋友在场的敏锐感知,并借助它来改善教育。

    Now some experts are proposing that we should take advantage of the teen brain 's keen sensitivity to the presence of friends and leverage it to improve education .

  8. 鸟、鱼和牛都会聚成群……仅仅感知规范就足以使人们向大众的方向调整自己的行为。

    Birds flock together , fish school together , cattle herd together ... just perceiving norms is enough to cause people to adjust their behaviour in the direction of the crowd .

  9. 我对事物的感知的确比常人更强烈。

    " I definitely feel things more strongly than the average person . "

  10. 首先,你的机器人必须能够感知周围的环境。

    First of all , your robot would have to be able to sense the environment around it .

  11. 她对人性的理解和感知引人入胜。

    Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating .

  12. 该控制仪器可以感知火山锥形状的细微变化;

    The instrumentation senses tiny changes in the shape of the volcanic2 cone3 ;

  13. 不出所料,他们很快就失去了对时间的感知。

    To no one 's surprise , they quickly lost their sense of time .

  14. 影像包括火星全局环境感知图像、火星车车辙图像等。

    The images include the Martian landscape and the ruts left behind by the rover .

  15. 研究还发现,这些植物对人们对压力感知的影响与之前的一项研究相似。在那项研究中,参与者每周参加一次正念和冥想的课程,持续八周。

    The research has also found that the effects of the plants on people ’ s perceptions of stress were similar to a previous study in which participants were given mindfulness and meditation3 sessions once a week for eight weeks .

  16. 用感知机学习算法改善MUSIC测向算法的分辨率

    Improvement of the Resolution of MUSIC Method with the Perceptron Training Algorithm

  17. 面向事件的Agent感知模型研究

    Research on Event-oriented Agent Esthesia Model

  18. 根据其对XML文档结构的感知对XML压缩器进行分类的示意图

    Diagram of classification of XML compressors according to their awareness of the structure of XML documents

  19. 包装案例Agent可以自动感知系统中的包装设计需求,并根据需求情况与用户进行进一步的交互。

    The case agent can know the design requirement in the system by itself , and can ask for further design information .

  20. INTERNET网上零售中顾客忠诚的构筑&关注价值感知、满意体验和信任的关系及相对影响力

    Building Customer Loyalty in Internet Online Retail : Focusing on the Linkages and Relative Effects of Value Perception , Satisfaction Experience , and Trust

  21. VR环境下的矢量场可视化交互感知技术研究与应用

    Key Technologies and Applications of Vector Field Interactive Visualization in VR Environment

  22. 模式感知处理器能够理解并支持这些约束facet。

    A schema aware processor understands and supports constraining facets .

  23. 根瘤菌NOD因子的感知与信号传导

    Perception and Signal Transduction of Nod Factors between Rhizobia and Host Plants

  24. 介绍一种应用语义Web技术(即本体、OWL)开发上下文感知系统的新架构。

    We introduce a new developing context-aware system architecture applying the semantic web techniques ( i.e. , ontology , OWL ) .

  25. CFRP筋及其加筋混凝土梁感知性能试验与分析

    Experimental research on sensing properties of CFRP bar and concrete beams reinforced with CFRP bars

  26. 一种三维传感执行网络节点位置感知算法本文对P2P网络的位置知晓性进行了相关研究。

    Location awareness algorithm for three-dimensional sensor-actor nets We first summarize the researches on the location awareness in P2P networks .

  27. 代理绑定使用Shoal作为其缺省感知机制。

    The Proxy binding uses Shoal as its default awareness mechanism .

  28. 一种基于通信状态感知的MANET路由协议

    A Communication State Aware Routing Protocol for MANET

  29. 介绍了金刚石钻头设计专家系统中的配方设计子系统(BPFES),包括多层感知机数学模型和BP算法,专家子系统的设计,钻头配方参数样本的网络训练;

    The bit prescription subsystem including multiple perceptron mathematics model and BP algorithm , expert designing subsystem and exercise of network of bit prescription parameter samples is emphasized on .

  30. 可感知的皮肤&旧金山Prada建筑表皮技术解读

    The Palpable Skin & Unscrambling the Technology of Prada in San Francisco