
  • 网络ccd;SENSOR;coms;image sensor
  1. 后置摄像头现搭载1200万像素的感光元件,支持FocusPixels,并配有更大的光圈,来捕捉栩栩如生的照片。

    The back camera now features a 12 megapixel sensor with Focus Pixels and a larger aperture to capture sharp , vivid photos .

  2. 这得益于Apple定制的感光元件和A15仿生芯片的强大性能,

    This is enabled by our Apple-custom sensor and the incredible power of A15 Bionic ,

  3. CCD属于感光元件,光敏单元尺寸对成像的影响是极其重要的。

    CCD are light-sensitive components , photosensitive cell size on the impact of imaging is extremely important .

  4. RAW格式文件是一种从感光元件直接获取的原始数据,其存储的原始数据就是跟光强有关的电荷信息,从中我们可以得到拍摄火焰的辐射能量值。

    RAW data is the original data obtained directly from the sensitization component , which is the electric information related to the light intensity . Therefore the radiation energy can be obtained directly .

  5. CMOS图像传感器是利用成熟CMOS工艺将感光元件和读出电路集成在同一芯片上,具有高集成度、低功耗等特点。

    CMOS image sensor integrates image acquisition devices and read out circuit on a chip with CMOS plane process , which has advantage of high integration and low power consumption .

  6. 新款Illum仍然使用微透镜阵列为矩阵式排列的特殊感光元件,从而可以捕捉全区的光场摄影领域。

    The Illum still uses a special sensor covered by a matrix of microlenses , which capture the entire light field .

  7. 这个更大的感光元件捕捉的光线多了近50%。

    The larger sensor captures nearly 50 % more light .

  8. 广角摄像头中更大的感光元件带来了更多进光量,以减少噪点,

    The larger sensor of the Wide offers more light gathering for less noise

  9. 答案:该电子玩具的双眼都含有能吸收太阳能的感光元件。

    Both the eyes of the electronic toy contain photo-sensitive cells which absorb the solar energy .

  10. 这种以矩阵方式排列的半导体,是由许多称为像素的微小感光元件所组成,可将光能转换成电荷。

    This semiconductor array , consisting of many tiny picture elements ( pixels ), converts light energy into electron charge .

  11. 为了降低成本,目前大部份数位相机使用单晶片感光元件及一片三色交错滤光镜。

    Digital cameras use a single image sensor array with a color filter array ( CFA ) to measure a color image .

  12. 新的感光元件在低档至中档的噪点控制非常出色。

    The new sensor seems to be doing its job by reducing noise very well at the low to mid-range ISO settings .

  13. 而新的广角摄像头拥有更大的f/1.5光圈,和我们迄今最大的1.9微米像素感光元件。

    and a new Wide camera that has a larger f / 1.5 aperture and 1.9 micron pixels for our largest sensor ever ,

  14. 更大的感光元件通常也意味着更好的表现质量&全画幅在低照度、高感光度时会有更好的表现。

    The larger sensor also means that-all other things being equal-full frame cameras will produce the best results in very low light and at higher sensitivities .

  15. 这靠的是更大的1.7微米像素感光元件,来捕捉更多光线和广角镜头的f/1.6光圈。这是我们的双摄系统中迄今最大的感光元件。

    This is enabled by larger , 1.7-micron pixels that capture more light and a wide f / 1.6 aperture . It 's the biggest sensor we 've ever put in our dual-camera system .

  16. 本系统由硒光电池作为感光元件,经放大电路、A/D转换电路、单片机等实现数据的前期采集;

    Selenium photoelectric cell being as sensitization element , the prophase collection and disposal of data are achieved by means of some devices such as enlarging circuit , A | D switching circuit , singlechip , etc.

  17. 感应部分选取暗电流小、噪声低、响应速度快、光电特性线性、受温度影响小、性能稳定等特点的光敏二极管作为感光元件接受反射光。

    Induces the partial selections dark current small , the noise low , the speed of response is quick , the photoelectricity characteristic linearity , is affected slightly the temperature , the performance steadily grades the characteristic the photodiode to accept as the photosensitivity part the reflected light .

  18. 金属化合物广泛用于催化、电镀、医药、精细化工、感光材料、敏感元件、化学材料等。

    Metal compounds are widely used in catalysis , electroplating , pharmaceutical , fine chemicals , photosensitive materials , sensitive components , chemical materials .

  19. 感光区域大约是感光元件表面的30%。

    Photosensitive area accounts for30 % of sensor element surface .