
  • 网络emotion;emotional coloring;emotional;sentiment
  1. 在许多大城市校车接送学生仍将是个极富感情色彩的问题。

    Busing will continue to be highly emotional issue in a good many large cities .

  2. 他给词融入了浓厚的感情色彩,开了词坛先例,受到后人的普遍模仿。

    he added to it an emotional depth untapped until that time and widely imitated afterward .

  3. 总之,这种强烈要求摆脱羁绊,追求个性解放和精神白由,风格飘逸豪放,是李白诗歌的最大特色。李白的诗歌,形象高度个性化,具有浓厚的主观感情色彩;

    Li Bai 's poetry , in general , is characterized by its unconventional spirit and highly personalized imagery .

  4. 斯达巴克并非莽撞的十字军骑士,他认为勇敢主要的不是一种感情色彩,而只是在迫不得已的情况下,他从自己的身上召唤而来的一种行动的力量。

    Starbuck was no crusader after perils ; in him courage was not a sentiment ; but a thing simply useful to him , and always at hand upon all mortally practical occasions .

  5. 他不带丝毫感情色彩地对地面控制中心说,这里与地球不同,但非常漂亮,我认为他们会把这一切搞得惊天动地。

    It 's different , but it 's very pretty out here , ' he matter-of-factly told controllers . ' I suppose they are going to make a big deal of all this . '

  6. 奥运会广告大战的赢家很有可能是那些投入大额预算制作官方广告的品牌,这些广告可能非常庄重,充满感情色彩。

    The winning brands at the Olympics will likely be the obvious ones : Those that have devoted big budgets to official ads , ads that look likely to be entirely serious and sentimental .

  7. 我和艾米只是纯粹智力上的关系,没有丝毫感情色彩,所以我也没有任何痛苦,这段关系只是失去效用罢了,我也像从前一样继续生活。

    My relationship with Amy was purely intellectual , there were no , the of which would cause me any discomfort . The relationship simply its utility , and I 'm continuing on with my life as before .

  8. 创立新风格,把新古典主义中的画风与印象派的想象主观感情注重色彩相结合。

    The creation of a new style , the new classicism in style and Impressionist imagination subjective feelings of pay attention to color combination .

  9. 词语的感情评价色彩或由褒义转化为贬义,或由贬义转化为褒义,或褒贬义转为中性,或褒贬意义兼容。

    The emotional coloring of words interchanges from commendatory to derogatory , from commendatory and derogatory to neutral , or both commendatory and derogatory senses in one .

  10. 色彩是传达信息的手段,又是感情的语言,色彩设计因此被广泛地运用于现代营销中。

    Tinct is both the means of conveying information and the language of emotion so it is widely used in modern sales .