
ɡuàn yònɡ yǔ
  • idiom;locution;fixed expression;commonly used word
  1. “让猫从袋子里跑出来”是惯用语,意思是无意中泄露秘密。

    ' Let the cat out of the bag ' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake .

  2. 惯用语是俗语的一种,也是一个民族文化的产物。

    Idiom is a saying , but also a product of culture .

  3. 它允许将JSON对象映射项中的键转换为Clojure关键字,后者在Clojure中更具惯用语特征。

    It converts keys in the map entries of JSON objects to Clojure keywords , which are more idiomatic to work with in Clojure .

  4. 惯用语在我们日常交际中常常用到,汉语水平考试(HSK)的听力部分和阅读理解部分也频频出现,但是在对外汉语教学中却一直未受到足够的重视。

    Idioms are often used in our daily communication , and they appear frequently in the parts of listening and reading of Chinese Level Test ( HSK ) . But the idioms in the Chinese teaching to foreigners haven 't been played an important role .

  5. 试析日汉惯用语的对应关系

    Trying to Analyse the Correspondence between Japanese Idioms and Chinese Ones

  6. 另20名被试被随机选入书面报告组,作为控制组,要求他们用汉语或韩语写出惯用语的比喻意义。

    The latter 20 subjects are randomly selected as control group .

  7. 汉语惯用语对于对外汉语教学十分重要。

    Idioms always play a very important role in teaching Chinese .

  8. 《红楼梦》惯用语研究

    The Research of the Idiomatic Phrases in the Red Dream of Mansion

  9. 不要做什么:不要使用含糊的教会惯用语。

    DON 'T : Don 't use vague Churchy words .

  10. 好(批准):英文是惯用语。指全部无错或批准。

    OK : An indication that all is correct or approval given .

  11. 惯用语在第二语言习得中的作用与意义研究

    Functions and Implications of Formulaic Language in Second Language Acquisition and Research

  12. 通过情景喜剧学习口语惯用语

    Learning Colloquial Expression : Situation Comedy as a New Resource

  13. 这是一个源自剧场的惯用语。

    This was originally a term used in the theater .

  14. 我们应该在词条类别中加入“惯用语”这一项。

    We need to add a label " idiom " to the entry .

  15. 第四章为探析惯用语教学法。

    Chapter 4 discusses and analyses the methods of teaching of the idioms .

  16. 有许多英语的惯用语不能译成别国语言。

    There are many English idioms that cannot be rendered into other languages .

  17. 属于或关于惯用语的,或与惯用语相符的。

    Of or relating to or conforming to idiom .

  18. 现代汉语惯用语研究及对外汉语教学

    The Study of Modern Chinese Idioms and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  19. 这是在汉语里常用的惯用语。

    It 's a common set phrase in Chinese .

  20. 同样,阅读也能帮你学到不少惯用语、表达方式和动词时态。

    It is also great for learning idioms , expressions , and verb tenses .

  21. 惯用语教学是对外汉语词汇教学的重要内容。

    Teaching Chinese idioms is an item of important content in Chinese words teaching .

  22. 认知与外语学习惯用语理解的认知研究

    Cognitive view of foreign language learning Idiom Interpretation : Studies from a Cognitive View

  23. 带上牙刷,穿上舒适的鞋子,并且更新您的惯用语。

    Grab your toothbrush , pack some comfortable shoes , and update your inoculations .

  24. 现代汉语惯用语研究

    The Study of Idiomatic Phrase of Modern Chinese

  25. 在对外汉语词汇教学中,惯用语是一个重点,也是一个难点。

    In vocabulary teaching , Chinese idiom is a difficult but also a key point .

  26. 在阅读中,我总是弄不清惯用语、俚语和口语词汇。

    When reading , I 'm always confused with idioms , slang and colloquial words .

  27. 下面哪个惯用语表示发生了差错或事故呢?

    Which of the following idioms means that a mistake or an accident has occurred ?

  28. 德语中的谚语惯用语

    The proverbial phrases in the German language

  29. 现代德语中的问候及告别式惯用语

    Idioms in German Concerning Greeting and Farewell

  30. 英语有很多惯用语。

    The English language has many idioms .